Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Antisemitic Protests Erupt Around the World

JERUSALEM (Worthy News)– Anti-Semitic rallies took place all across the world stretching as far south as Chile, and as far north as Japan.  Protests took place all across major European cities and throughout the United States as Israel continues to destroy Hamas' infrastructure in the Gaza Strip.

Monday, July 7, 2014

ISIS renames itself as the Islamic State

Minutes before blowing up a police station, a video clip revealed an ISIS militant cold bloodedly smiling and pointing out the gruesome fate of those held captive inside the police station.
The extent to which the ISIS relies on brute force is terrifying and at the same time, it also reveals as to how comfortable the organisation feels in Iraq.
Analysts agree that more the number videos made in English, more will be the number of threats directed at America and more the number of jihadists flocking to Iraq.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Big Earthquakes Double in 2014, But They're Not Linked

Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant-Wikipedia


ISIS has captured and currently uses American weapons, vehicles, and uniforms in its operations. ISIS members have been seen wearing the standard US Army Combat Uniform along with Interceptor body armor. For night raids, AN/PVS-7 night vision goggles worn with PASGT helmets are used. Some of the weapons used are M16 rifles, M4 carbines, M203 grenade launchers, M60 machine guns, M240 machine guns, RPGs, and surface-to-air Stinger missiles;[107] vehicles used include Humvees, AMZ Dziks, MT-LBs, M1117s,[108] M113 APCs and several T-55 tanks. During the 2014 Northern Iraq offensive, ISIS raided Iraqi Army bases and captured M198 howitzers,[109] Type 59-1 artillery guns, DShK guns mounted on trucks, ZU-23-2 anti-aircraft guns,[110][111] 2S1 Gvozdika self-propelled guns and at least one Scud missile.[112]
When ISIS captured Mosul Airport in June 2014, it seized a number of UH-60 Blackhawk helicopters and cargo planes that were stationed there.[113][114] However, according to Peter Beaumont of The Guardian, it seems unlikely that ISIS would be able to deploy them.[115]     read more:

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Barack Obama to send more troops to Iraq as crisis escalates

President Barack Obama ordered a further 200 US troops, backed by drones and helicopters, to reinforce the American embassy in Baghdad.
The announcement brings the US deployment to Iraq to nearly 800 troops tasked with advising the Iraqi military and protecting American diplomats as jihadist forces continue to wreak havoc throughout the country.
"In light of the security situation in Baghdad, I have ordered up to approximately 200 additional US Armed Forces personnel to Iraq to reinforce security at the US Embassy, its support facilities, and the Baghdad International Airport," Obama said in a letter to Congress.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

US has ‘folded’ on Iran, Israeli political sources charge

Senior political sources said that the deal that has been sitting on the negotiations table since the weekend is “very bad.” It calls on Iran to stop enriching uranium to the 20 percent level, but allows them to continue enriching uranium to 3.5% at all of its enrichment sites. In addition it fails to place a limitation on the number of centrifuges in Tehran’s possession, estimated to number 19,000.

“To our understanding, they’re receiving a significant easing of sanctions,” he added.
Rewards to Iran include the unfreezing of $3 billion of fuel funds, an easing of sanctions on the petrochemical and gold sectors, an easing of sanctions on replacement parts for planes and a loosening of restrictions on the Iranian car industry.