Friday, May 31, 2013

Syria's Assad warns Israel on air strikes

Syria's President Bashar al-Assad has warned Israel that it will respond in kind to any future air strikes. read full article:

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Russian Pacific Fleet enters the Mediterranean in challenge to West

For the first time in a decade, a large combat fleet from Russia’s Pacific Fleet based in Vladivostok in the Russian Far East is joining other Russian warships in the Mediterranean on a combat patrol.
Russia's Admiral Panteleyev anti-submarine warfare ship of the Pacific Fleet.
Russia’s Admiral Panteleyev anti-submarine warfare ship of the Pacific Fleet.
The mission was apparently prompted by Russia’s determined desire to sustain the regime of the Syrian dictator Bashar Assad that is facing imminent collapse in the increasingly destructive civil war.
To deploy large warships thousands of miles away from East Asia to the Middle East demonstrates President Vladimir Putin’s resolve to resume Russia’s military and strategic glory of the past by challenging the collective military power of the West.
On March 19, a naval flotilla of half a dozen capital ships centered on the large destroyer Admiral Panteleyev set sail from Vladivostok on a long journey to the Mediterranean.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Mathematical Proof for Christianity Is Irrefutable

I usually paste a link to go to for an article,  however, this article is so rich in truth that I am coping and pasting the entire article:   Thank you to the author, Dan Delzell.

It is impossible that Christianity is not God's revelation of truth to man. Simply impossible. The math proves it beyond question. It doesn't take faith to believe that one plus one equals two, and it doesn't take faith to identify the religion which has mathematical certainty in its corner.

God didn't have to give us mathematical proof of His existence, but He did it anyway. God didn't have to give us proof of Christianity, but He chose to do so. And God didn't have to give us proof of His love for us, but that is exactly what He did. The proof is irrefutable.

I live in Nebraska where I serve as a pastor. Imagine someone covering this entire state in silver dollars 6 feet deep. Then mark one coin and bury it anywhere across the state. Next, blindfold a man and have him choose one coin. The odds that he would choose the marked coin are the same odds of getting 8 prophecies all fulfilled in one man. God gave us about 300 fulfilled prophecies in the Person of Jesus Christ.

Here are 8 of those 300 prophecies:

(1) The Messiah will be born in Bethlehem. (Micah
5:2; Matthew 2:1; Luke 2:4-6)
(2) The Messiah will be a descendant of Jacob. (Numbers 24:17; Matthew 1:2)
(3) The Messiah will enter Jerusalem as a king riding on a donkey. (Zechariah 9:9; Mark 11:4-11)
(4) The Messiah will be betrayed by a friend. (Psalm 41:9; Luke 22:47,48)
(5) The Messiah's betrayal money will be used to purchase a potter's field. (Zechariah 11:13; Matthew 27:9,10)
(6) The Messiah will be spat upon and struck. (Isaiah 50:6; Matthew 26:67)
(7) The Messiah's hands and feet will be pierced. (Psalm 22:16; John 20:25-27)
(8) Soldiers will gamble for the Messiah's garments. (Psalm 22:18; Luke 23:34)

There is no way one man could have fulfilled all 8 of these prophecies unless God was making it happen. Who else controls history? Who else could give us such irrefutable proof for Christianity? The odds are one in one hundred quadrillion, or 1 in 100,000,000,000,000,000.

This mathematical proof was calculated by Professor Peter Stoner. He was chairman of the mathematics and astronomy departments at Pasadena City College until 1953. He then went to Westmont College in Santa Barbara, California, where he served as chairman of the science division.

You don't have to be a mathematics professor to see that this evidence is irrefutable. No one would pick the marked coin under those conditions. No one but God could have given us these biblical prophecies, and then brought them to fulfillment right before our eyes. It is impossible that Christianity is false. The math proves it, and the Man behind the math rose from the dead, just as it had been foretold.

It doesn't take faith to see how the Bible could only have come from God. It does take faith, however, to accept Jesus as your Savior and to believe in God's promise of eternal life. God has done everything to make this way open to you. If you choose to reject it in spite of the overwhelming evidence and in spite of God's love for you, you will be walking away from an open door to paradise.

Some people won't accept proof for the Bible even when it is irrefutable. Man, by nature, is not very good at accepting the evidence which God has laid out for us. The bias against God and against the supernatural is so strong that even irrefutable evidence is viewed with suspicion and doubt.

Never mind the fact that the prophecy about Christ's crucifixion was given hundreds of years before that type of execution was being used. And who but God could have identified Bethlehem 700 years before Christ was born? You really have to have a closed mind to miss the supernatural quality of the Bible, especially when you really start to dig into it. The historical and mathematical conclusions all point to God's plan of salvation through His Son.

Here is an idea. Try looking at this mathematical proof as if you didn't have any bias against God and against the supernatural, and see how that approach works for you. The end result of your honest evaluation may shock you, and then it will change you from the inside out. That is what happens whenever man embraces the truth as revealed to us in Scripture.

One plus one equals two. Old Testament history plus New Testament fulfillment equals irrefutable proof. This is why Christianity is not a "blind faith." It is a faith built on immovable facts. Are you ready to have that firm foundation in your life? Or do you plan to finish out your time here on this planet with nothing more than an unreasonable bias against God?

No one ever said man is going to always be reasonable. That's the tragic thing about the human soul ever since sin entered the world. There are some biases which go even deeper than common sense and mathematical certainty. That's what our sin does to us, and this is why you and I need the Messiah. We need Jesus because we are sinners. We have broken God's law. And God has been gracious enough not only to give us His only Son, but even to give us conclusive proof for Christianity.

So it's no surprise to find that every other belief system and every other religion lacks even a hint of mathematical evidence, let alone irrefutable proof. The followers of those religions are no less sincere, but the foundation for their faith is not based on irrefutable evidence. Where is your faith based today? Do you have a bias against God which is keeping you from considering the mathematical certainty which supports Christianity?

If so, God still loves you, and there is still hope. Many former unbelievers who are now Christians know just what you are going through. This is a critical time for you to consider your sin against God, and your need for His forgiveness.

But don't take my word for it. Instead, accept the irrefutable proof which our Creator has kindly given us in the Old and New Testaments. He loves you far more than you can fathom. He proved it at the cross, and through the fulfilled prophecies. You would have to be blind to miss it.



Monday, May 20, 2013

Report: Syria prepared to fire missiles at Tel Aviv

Syria has put its most advanced missiles on standby with orders to hit Tel Aviv if Israel launches another strike on its territory, The Sunday Times reported overnight Sunday.

According to the British newspaper, reconnaissance satellites have been monitoring preparations by the Syrian army to deploy surface-to-surface Tishreen missiles. read full article:,7340,L-4381218,00.html 


Sunday, May 19, 2013

PM: Israel will stop arms transfers to Hezbollah

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu responded at the opening of Sunday's weekly cabinet meeting to reports in the British newspaper Sunday Times saying Syria has missiles aimed at Tel Aviv, assuring that "the Israeli government acts in a responsible, determined and measured manner to ensure the State of Israel's main interest, which is the security of its citizens."
According to the Sunday Times, reconnaissance satellites have revealed preparations made by the Syrian army to deploy surface-to-surface Tishreen missiles. Syrian President Bashar Assad, the report said, is ready to use these missiles should Israel decide to conduct a strike on full article:

Saturday, May 18, 2013

US army chief slams Russia for arming, emboldening Assad

The chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Martin Dempsey, on Friday slammed Russia for emboldening President Bashar Assad’s regime in Syria by continuing to supply it with advanced weapons.
“It’s at the very least an unfortunate decision that will embolden the regime and prolong the suffering, so it’s ill-timed and very unfortunate,” Dempsey told reporters at the Pentagon, after Moscow’s leaders made plain that they would go on arming Assad. read full article:

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Israel Hints at New Strikes, Warning Syria Not to Hit Back

In a clear warning to Syria to stop the transfer of advanced weapons to Islamic militants in the region, a senior Israeli official signaled on Wednesday that Israel was considering additional military strikes to prevent that from happening and that the Syrian president, Bashar al-Assad, would face crippling consequences if he retaliated. read full article:

Russian warships enter Mediterranean Sea

Five Russian warships entered the Mediterranean Sea on Thursday and are scheduled to dock in Limassol, Cyprus.
Russian news sources reported that the ships would bolster the country’s new regional task force. Russia currently has a naval base in Tartous, Syria. read full article:


POSSIBLE CME IMPACT ON MAY 17: A coronal mass ejection (CME) hurled into space by the X1-flare of May 15th might deliver a glancing blow to Earth's magnetic field on May 17th. NOAA forecasters estimate a 40% chance of polar geomagnetic storms when the cloud arrives. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras. Aurora alerts: text, voice.
X-FLARE THREAT CONTINUES: Sunspot AR1748 has already unleashed four X-class solar flares, but it might not be finished. The active region continues to grow beneath a delta-class magnetic field that harbors energy for powerful eruptions. NOAA puts the odds of another X-flare today at 60%. Solar flare alerts: text, voice.
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory took this picture of AR1748 during the early hours of May 16th:
The sunspot is not particularly large, but it is complex, with many dark cores scattered through its zone of influence. This is a sign of a complicated overlying magnetic field. Magnetic complexity is the source of AR1748's explosiveness: when tangled lines of magnetic force cross and reconnect--bang! A flare occurs.
All by itself, AR1748 has produced more X-flares than every other sunspot of the past year combined. In summary, AR1748 has given us an X1.7-class flare (0217 UT on May 13), an X2.8-class flare (1609 UT on May 13), an X3.2-class flare (0117 UT on May 14), and an X1-class flare (0152 on May 15). More could be in the offing. Solar flare alerts: text, voice.
read full article: 

Monday, May 13, 2013

Sun emits its biggest flare of 2013, the expected peak of this solar cycle

GREENBELT, Md. (NASA GODDARD) – On May 12, 2013, the Sun emitted a significant solar flare, peaking at 10 p.m. EDT. This flare is classified as an X1.7, making it the first X-class flare of 2013.  read full article:


Thursday, May 9, 2013

World's first GM babies born

The world's first geneticallymodified humans have been created, it was revealed last night.
The disclosure that 30 healthy babies were born after a series of experiments in the United States provoked another furious debate about ethics.
So far, two of the babies have been tested and have been found to contain genes from three 'parents'.
read full article:

Houston braces for giant snail invasion

Thursday, May 09, 2013E-Mail this article to a friend Printer Friendly Version
Houston braces for giant snail invasion

Houston, we have a problem. A giant African land snail has been spotted in a Houston garden and residents are being warned to stay away from it and to watch out for others.
Texas station KPRC reports that the slow-moving menaces are sometimes carriers of a life-threatening meningitis. It “can cause a lot of harm to humans and sometimes even death”, Autumn Smith-Herron, director of the Institute for the Study of Invasive Species at Sam Houston State University, told the NBC full article:

America is one bad winter away from a food disaster, thanks to dying bees

Since 2006 honey bees responsible for pollinating more than 100 crops—from apples to zucchini—have been dying by the tens of millions. As a new report from the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) details, scientists are still struggling to pinpoint the cause of so-called Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) and time is running out.
“Currently, the survivorship of honey bee colonies is too low for us to be confident in our ability to meet the pollination demands of U.S. agricultural crops,” the report states. read full article:

Sunday, May 5, 2013

New Israeli airstrikes in Syria raise tensions

Israeli warplanes struck targets in the Syrian capital Sunday for the second time in three days, officials and activists said, unleashing a series of massive explosions and raising fears of possible wider conflict in the region.
 The attacks, which Israeli officials said targeted sophisticated, Iranian-made guided missiles believed to be bound for Lebanon's Hezbollah militant group, marked a sharp spike in Israel's involvement in Syria's bloody civil war. Syrian state media reported that Israeli missiles struck a military and scientific research centre near Damascus and caused casualties. read full article:


Saturday, May 4, 2013

Israeli warplanes strike Syrian weapons facility, US official says

A Syrian weapons facility was struck early Friday by Israeli warplanes, a U.S. official told Fox News.

The strike was confirmed by Israeli officials who said the country's air force targeted a shipment of "game changing" weapons bound for the Lebanese militant Hezbollah group.

read full article:

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Israeli reserves called up for Syrian, Lebanese borders. Military drill starts Sunday

The call-up of thousands of Israeli military reservists for the Syrian and Lebanese borders starting Tuesday, April 30, will continue until the end of the week, ready for the launch of a military exercise on those borders next Sunday, May 5. read full article: