Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Syria conflict: 'Chemical attacks kill hundreds'

Chemical weapons attacks have killed hundreds on the outskirts of Damascus, Syrian opposition activists say.

Rockets with toxic agents were launched at the suburbs of the Ghouta region early on Wednesday as part of a major bombardment on rebel forces, they say.

The Syrian army says the accusations have been fabricated to cover up rebel losses.

The main opposition alliance said that more than 1,000 people were killed by the attacks.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Tamarod movement calls on Egyptian government to cancel Camp David peace treaty

The Tamarod ("Rebellion") movement in Egypt has joined a campaign calling to stop US aid to Egypt, and to cancel the 1979 Camp David peace treaty with Israel, Daily News Egypt reported on Saturday.
The campaign is in response to "unacceptable" US interference in Egyptian political affairs, after US President Barack Obama decided to cancel a joint drill with the Egyptian military in response to the outbreak of violence in the country earlier this week.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Israel-Palestinian peace talks resume in Jerusalem

The first direct Israeli-Palestinian peace talks in three years have been held in Jerusalem, officials say.

Both sides confirmed that the meeting - cloaked in secrecy - had ended late on Wednesday after several hours.

A senior Israeli official described the talks as "long and serious" but no statement was published.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Peace talks resume under cloud of Israeli construction

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - A 10-minute drive from where negotiators will sit down on Wednesday to resume long-stalled Middle East peace talks, Israeli bulldozers are busy reshaping land that Palestinians want for their future state.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Radioactive Water From Fukushima Is Systematically Poisoning The Entire Pacific Ocean

Michael Snyder
Right now, a massive amount of highly radioactive water is escaping into the Pacific Ocean from the ruins of the destroyed Fukushima nuclear facility in Japan.  This has been going on all day, every day for more than two years.
The enormous amounts of tritium, cesium and strontium that are being released are being carried by wind, rain and ocean currents all over the northern Hemisphere.  And of course the west coast of the United States is being hit particularly hard.  When you drink water or eat seafood that has been contaminated with these radioactive particles, they can stick around for a very long time.  Over the coming years, this ongoing disaster could potentially affect the health of millions upon millions of people living in the northern hemisphere, and the sad thing is that a lot of those people will never even know the true cause of their health problems.
Radioactive Water From Fukushima Is Systematically Poisoning The Entire Pacific Ocean
For a long time, the Japanese government has been trusting Tepco to handle this crisis, but now it has become abundantly clear that Tepco has no idea what they are doing.  In fact, the flow of radioactive water has gotten so bad that authorities in Japan are now calling it an “emergency”
Highly radioactive water seeping into the ocean from Japan’s crippled Fukushima nuclear plant is creating an “emergency” that the operator is struggling to contain, an official from the country’s nuclear watchdog said on Monday.
This contaminated groundwater has breached an underground barrier, is rising toward the surface and is exceeding legal limits of radioactive discharge, Shinji Kinjo, head of a Nuclear Regulatory Authority (NRA) task force, told Reuters.
The amount of water that we are talking about is absolutely enormous.  According to Yahoo, 400 metric tons of water is being pumped into the basements of destroyed buildings at Fukushima every single day…
The utility pumps out some 400 metric tons a day of groundwater flowing from the hills above the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant into the basements of the destroyed buildings, which mixes with highly irradiated water that is used to cool the reactors in a stable state below 100 degrees Celsius.
Tepco is trying to prevent groundwater from reaching the plant by building a “bypass” but recent spikes of radioactive elements in sea water has prompted the utility to reverse months of denials and finally admit that tainted water is reaching the sea.
And of course all of that water has to go somewhere.  For a long time Tepco tried to deny that it was getting into the ocean, but now they are  finally admitting that it is
Tepco said on Friday that a cumulative 20 trillion to 40 trillion becquerels of radioactive tritium had probably leaked into the sea since the disaster. The company said this was within legal limits.
Tritium is far less harmful than cesium and strontium, which have also been released from the plant. Tepco is scheduled to test strontium levels next.
40 trillion becquerels of radioactive tritium have gotten into the Pacific Ocean?
And that is what they are publicly admitting.  The reality is probably far worse.
And all of that tritium is going to be around for a very long time.  You see, the truth is that tritium has a half-life of about 12 years.
But strontium is even worse.  Strontium can cause bone cancer and it has a half-life of close to 29 years.
And now Tepco is admitting that extremely dangerous levels of strontium have been escaping from Fukushima and getting into the underground water.  And of course the underground water flows out into the Pacific Ocean…
Tepco said in late June that it had detected the highly toxic strontium-90, a by-product of nuclear fission that can cause bone cancer if ingested, at levels 30 times the permitted rate.
The substances, which were released by the meltdowns of reactors at the plant in the aftermath of the huge tsunami of March 2011, were not absorbed by soil and have made their way into underground water.
Subsoil water usually flows out to sea, meaning these two substances could normally make their way into the ocean, possibly affecting marine life and ultimately impacting humans who eat sea creatures.
Cesium has an even longer half-life than strontium does.  It has a half life of about 30 years, and according to samples that were taken about a month ago levels of cesium at Fukushima have been spiking dramatically…
Samples taken on Monday showed levels of possibly cancer-causing caesium-134 were more than 90 times higher than they were on Friday, at 9000 becquerels per litre, Tokyo Electric Power (Tepco) revealed.
Levels of caesium-137 stood at 18 000 becquerels per litre, 86 times higher than at the end of last week, the utility said.
“We still don’t know why the level of radiation surged, but we are continuing efforts to avert further expansion of contamination,” a Tepco spokesperson stated.
When cesium gets into your body, it can do a tremendous amount of damage.  The following is an excerpt from a NewScientist article that described what happens when cesium and iodine enter the human body…
Moreover the human body absorbs iodine and caesium readily. “Essentially all the iodine or caesium inhaled or swallowed crosses into the blood,” says Keith Baverstock, former head of radiation protection for the World Health Organization’s European office, who has studied Chernobyl’s health effects.
Iodine is rapidly absorbed by the thyroid, and leaves only as it decays radioactively, with a half-life of eight days. Caesium is absorbed by muscles, where its half-life of 30 years means that it remains until it is excreted by the body. It takes between 10 and 100 days to excrete half of what has been consumed.
And it is important to keep in mind that it has been estimated that each spent fuel pool at the Fukushima nuclear complex could have 24,000 times the amount of cesium that was produced by the nuclear bomb that the U.S. dropped on Hiroshima at the end of World War 2.
Overall, the Fukushima nuclear facility originally contained a whopping 1760 tons of nuclear material.
That is a massive amount of nuclear material.  Chernobyl only contained 180 tons.
And of course the crisis at Fukushima could be made even worse at any moment by a major earthquake.  In fact, a magnitude 6.0 earthquake hit northern Japan on Sunday.
This is a nightmare that has no end.  Every single day, massive amounts of highly radioactive water from Fukushima is systematically poisoning the entire Pacific Ocean.  The damage that is being done is absolutely incalculable.
Please share this article with as many people as you can.  The mainstream media does not seem to want to talk about this, but it is a matter that is extremely important to every man, woman and child living in the northern hemisphere of our planet.
About the author: Michael T. Snyder is a former Washington D.C. attorney who now publishes The Truth.

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  • KingofthePaupers August 7, 2013 at 6:33 am
    the Fukushima nuclear facility originally contained a whopping 1760 tons of nuclear material.
    Jct: Dinky threat. Hanford has 200,000 tons with 3% of its tanks leaking. Youtube “Pet Fish Dead? Kids Drink Same Water?” Better use the Argentine Solution to fund maximum funding for maximum manpower on burying nuclear once and for all. Anyone else thought up a way to pay to do the clean-up? Argentine Solution can save us. Maybe. If we fund the max right now.
  • KLAUS HEIL August 7, 2013 at 5:00 am
  • Sun East August 7, 2013 at 1:35 am
    This was planned as a mean of depopulation. Many more to come.
  • Maat Men Nefer August 7, 2013 at 12:02 am
    I remember a song we used to sing back in ’62, a camp song for the nuclear age: ‘strontium, strontium, strontium 90, fall-out will get you even underground, so if you want some, want some strontium 90, there’s plenty to go around.’ That was the chorus. I also read ‘On the Beach’ .I was a very serious young person then, and rather prescient it seems, since I am to a large extent mentally prepared and ideally located to see the end. It really is very depressing, seeing how this species has destroyed itself and the biosphere of its home planet for basically worthless pieces of paper.
  • ravenmaven August 6, 2013 at 11:46 pm
    There is word that Japan was threatened, cancel all U.S. debt or their nuclear plants would be sabotaged !! And then it happened…now which country would have the most to gain? And
    the call that was made with the threat was recorded!