Tuesday, January 31, 2012

"U.S. Intel Head James Clapper on Worldwide Threats in 2012"

"The man in charge of all of America's intelligence gathering testified today before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence for the annual Worldwide Threat Assessment."

I read the three page article with subjects of Iran nuclear threat,  Al Qaeda, Somalia, Taliban, North Korea, the Arab Spring to Cyber Threats.  It was the last entry on page three that brought many questions. 

Page three last entry:    "On Drinking Water Resources"    Article: ABC News

Two articles on unexplained animal die-off this week

"Variety of Rotting Birds' Litter California Beach"          article:  Central Coast News

"Dolphins are latest mammal death in New England"      article:   Sun Journal

Monday, January 30, 2012

In Defense of Israel-Hal Lindsey Report

Hal Lindsey shares scripture of the promises to Israel and the promises to the church.  This video gives wisdom to literal interpretation and allegorical interpretation in scripture.  I like something Lindsey said, " allegorical scripture has a literal foundation."    Amen, God bless you with understanding.

Hal Lindsey Report 1-27-2012

"NASA Finds 2011 Ninth-Warmest Year on Record"

GISS Director James E. Hansen, "expects record-breaking global average temperatures in the next two to three years because of solar activity is on the upswing and the next El Nino will increase tropical Pacific temperatures."


Thursday, January 26, 2012

"Fish die-offs more frequent in the past 10 years"


"Will Israel Attack Iran?"

After reading this article, I have a better understanding of the peril Israel is facing with a nuclear Iran.
This article is a lengthy eleven page read, however, it is worth taking the time to read.

Here is an excerpt from the front page:

"Natanyahu and Barak have both repeatedly stressed that a decision has not yet been made and a deadline for making one has not been set. (to attack Iran's nuclear facilities)
Barak laid out three categories of questions, which he characterized as "Israel's ability to act,"  "international legitimacy," and "necessity," all of which acquire affirmation responses before a decision is made to attack:

1.Does Israel have the ability to cause severe damage to Iran's nuclear sites and bring about a major delay in Iran's nuclear project?   And can the military and the Israeli people withstand the inevitable counterattack?

2.Does Israel have overt or tactical support, particularly from America, for carrying out an attack?

3.Have all other possibilities for the containment of Iran's nuclear threat been exhausted, bringing Israel to the point of last resort?  If so, is this the last opportunity for an attack?

For the first time since the Iranian nuclear threat emerged in the mid-1990's, at least some Israel's most powerful leaders believe that the response to these questions is yes."

Will Israel Attack Iran?----The New York Times

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

"Iran preparing now for Armageddon"

I wrestled with whether to post this article and video.  After thought and prayer I have decided to do so.
The purpose in my blog spot is of a watchman discerning current events as possible biblical prophecy fulfillment.  May the Lord bless you with discernment and the Holy Spirit guide you.

"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life."  John 3:16

article with video:

"Iran and The Strait of Hormuz ...next step"


"Flights rerouted as massive solar storm slams Earth"


"Hezbollah, Iran preparing for 'day after' Assad"

Jerusalem Post

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

"Our World: America and the Arab Spring"

An overview of the changes in the Middle East that have taken place in only a years time.

Jerusalem Post

Monday, January 23, 2012

"Solar flares blast radiation storm toward Earth"

article with video


The Washington Post

For your reference on the size of Solar Flares:

"Christ at the Checkpoint"---Hal Lindsey Report

This weeks Hal Lindsey Report explains the differences in  Zionist belief and the "Replacement Theology" belief.  The World Counsel of Churches are to hold a conference in Bethlehem, March 2012 .  The conference is call "Christ at the Checkpoint".   The World Counsel of  Churches are twisted in their beliefs of the Church and it's replacement to the promises of Israel.

video: 1-20-12
Hal Lindsey Report

Monday, January 9, 2012

"The U.S. and Biblical Israel"

"Instead of the "two-state solution," restore what God gave Abraham's people."

article: (an interesting read with simple truths)
by Barbara Lerner

National Review Online

"Welcome to 2012" Hal Lindsey Report

An overview of what the world is facing in 2012 along with the biblical wisdom of how to endure through trying times.  Blessings

video  1-6-2012
Hal Lindsey Report

"Russian, French warships off Syria, Iran, US drones over Iranian coast"


Tuesday, January 3, 2012

"IDF bracing for all 'post-Assad' scenarios in Syria"


"Abbas: 'All options on Table' if Israel Does not Concede"

Israel National News

"Islam terror group tells Christians: Leave north Nigeria or be attacked"

Jesus warned of persecution in the later days in the signs he gave his apostles concerning his return.
As watchmen, we are seeing more and more Christian persecution in the news.  This is a reflection of yesterdays post of a "Man Called Stephen" by Hal Lindsey. 

World News-MSNBC

Monday, January 2, 2012

"A Man Called Stephen"-Hal Lindsey

A beautiful account of Stephen from the book of Acts.  May we all yield to the Holy Spirit to give us the words and wisdom needed in each day.   As the world's tension increases and the our faith is judged, may we remember Stephen standing firm on God's promises.

Video 12-30-2011
Hal Lindsey Report

"Bulldozing Jewish history - Israel's Opinion"


"Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood : Fate of Israel peace treaty may be decided in referendum"
