Friday, September 28, 2012
Israel PM Benjamin (Bibi) Netanyahu's Address to the United Nations on Iran and Radical Islam
watch video: Netanyahu Speech to the UN 2012
Thursday, September 27, 2012
The Associated Press: Israel's Netanyahu to push case against Iran at UN
JERUSALEM (AP) — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu heads to the United Nations Wednesday night with a single item on his agenda: Iran.
Netanyahu is convinced the Islamic Republic isn't taking American vows to block it from acquiring nuclear weapons seriously and that time is quickly running out to stop them.
Claiming international diplomatic efforts and economic sanctions have failed, Netanyahu says the threat of force must be seriously considered. His demand that President Barack Obama declare "red lines" that would trigger an American attack on Iran's nuclear facilities has been rejected and sparked a public rift between the two leaders. read full article: Jerusalem (AP) By ARON HELLER, Associated Press
Netanyahu is convinced the Islamic Republic isn't taking American vows to block it from acquiring nuclear weapons seriously and that time is quickly running out to stop them.
Claiming international diplomatic efforts and economic sanctions have failed, Netanyahu says the threat of force must be seriously considered. His demand that President Barack Obama declare "red lines" that would trigger an American attack on Iran's nuclear facilities has been rejected and sparked a public rift between the two leaders. read full article: Jerusalem (AP) By ARON HELLER, Associated Press
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Ahmadinejad decries 'uncivilized Zionist,' urges new order
Photo: Mike Segar / Reuters
UNITED NATIONS - Iran's president said on Wednesday his country was under constant threat of military action from "uncivilized Zionists" and called for a new world order not dominated by Western powers in the service of "the devil." read full article: Jerusalem Post by REUTERS
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Jordan on the brink: Muslim Brothers mobilize for King Abdullah's overthrow
Jordan’s Muslim Brotherhood has given King Abdullah II notice that he has until
October to bow to their demand to transform the Hashemite Kingdom into a
constitutional monarchy or face Arab Spring street pressure for his
For Israel, an upheaval in Jordan bodes the tightening of the Islamist noose around its borders – Egypt and Libya to the south and Syria to the north, with unpredictable consequences with regard to Jordan’s Palestinian population. read full article: DEBKA file
For Israel, an upheaval in Jordan bodes the tightening of the Islamist noose around its borders – Egypt and Libya to the south and Syria to the north, with unpredictable consequences with regard to Jordan’s Palestinian population. read full article: DEBKA file
Monday, September 24, 2012
Hal On The Hot Seat
Hal Lindsey's - Hal On The Hot Seat - are short lessons on prophecy. This weeks lesson is titled "He Does Not Give An Hour Or day"
I started this blog spot with quotes from Jesus commanding us to "Watch" in reference to signs of His Second Coming. My blogs give links to news articles and videos depicting this subject.
I am sharing Hal's program link in hopes it will answer questions you may have. His subject this week is the very reason I do this blog spot. God Bless.
watch video:
I started this blog spot with quotes from Jesus commanding us to "Watch" in reference to signs of His Second Coming. My blogs give links to news articles and videos depicting this subject.
I am sharing Hal's program link in hopes it will answer questions you may have. His subject this week is the very reason I do this blog spot. God Bless.
watch video:
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Egypt court to try Copts abroad over anti-Islam film
Seven Egyptian Coptic Christians living abroad and a US pastor will be tried by a criminal court for insulting Islam over a film made in California which mocks the Prophet Mohammad, Egypt's public prosecutor said on Tuesday.
The public prosecutor said in a statement that convictions could be punishable by the death penalty and called for the seven Copts and Jones to be handed over to Egypt, but did not say in which the countries the Copts were. read full article:Jerusalem Post-by Reuters
The public prosecutor said in a statement that convictions could be punishable by the death penalty and called for the seven Copts and Jones to be handed over to Egypt, but did not say in which the countries the Copts were. read full article:Jerusalem Post-by Reuters
Monday, September 17, 2012
Interactive maps: Protests, developments after anti-Islam film
Locations and descriptions: The Associated Press; map: Elizabeth Titus/POLITICO
see interactive map: Politico
see interactive map: Politico
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Rosh Hashana for humans
Rosh Hashana for humans
"When we listen to the sounds of the shofar we can hear our own voices. The sound of the shofar reminds us of the approaching judgment on Yom Kippur, as well as the everyday siren of the ambulance, both of which represent situations where man’s life hangs in the balance. These voices remind us of the need to listen to ourselves and our conscience and the need to contemplate our past actions in order to make our lives more meaningful going forward." full article: Jerusalem Post
09/15/2012 03:44
"When we listen to the sounds of the shofar we can hear our own voices. The sound of the shofar reminds us of the approaching judgment on Yom Kippur, as well as the everyday siren of the ambulance, both of which represent situations where man’s life hangs in the balance. These voices remind us of the need to listen to ourselves and our conscience and the need to contemplate our past actions in order to make our lives more meaningful going forward." full article: Jerusalem Post
Fall Feast
2011 (5772)) |
2012 (5773)
Rosh Hashanah (Trumpets) | Sept. 28 - 30 | Sept. 16 - 18 |
Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) | Oct. 7 - 8 | Sept. 25 - 26 |
Sukkot (Tabernacles) | Oct. 12 - 19 | Sept. 30 - Oct. 7 |
Pope calls for Christian, Muslim harmony in Mideast
Pope calls for Christian, Muslim harmony in Mideast

BEIRUT: Pope Benedict XVI urged Middle Eastern Christians and Muslims yesterday to forge a harmonious, pluralistic society in which the dignity of each person is respected and the right to worship in peace is guaranteed. Speaking to political and religious leaders on the second day of a three-day trip to Lebanon, he stressed that people must repudiate vengeance, acknowledge their own faults and offer forgiveness to each other. read full article: Kuwait Times
BEIRUT: Pope Benedict XVI urged Middle Eastern Christians and Muslims yesterday to forge a harmonious, pluralistic society in which the dignity of each person is respected and the right to worship in peace is guaranteed. Speaking to political and religious leaders on the second day of a three-day trip to Lebanon, he stressed that people must repudiate vengeance, acknowledge their own faults and offer forgiveness to each other. read full article: Kuwait Times
Iran on brink of nuclear bomb in six-seven months: Netanyahu
- Israeli Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu warned on Sunday that Iran was just six to seven months away
from the brink of being able to build a nuclear bomb, adding urgency to his demand
that President Barack
Obama set a "red line" for Tehran in what could deepen the worst
U.S.-Israeli rift in decades. read full article: Rueters
Friday, September 14, 2012
US embassy clashes spread across Muslim world
Demonstrators furious at a film they say insults the Prophet Mohammad clashed with police near the US embassy in Cairo on Friday before a nationwide protest called by the Muslim Brotherhood which propelled Egypt's Islamist president to power.
Protesters also clashed with police in Yemen, where one person died and 15 were injured on Thursday when the US embassy compound was stormed, and crowds gathered against the California-made film in Malaysia, Bangladesh and Iraq. According to Al-Jazeera, protests were also taking place at US consulates in India and Qatar, while thousands gathered to protest at the Swiss embassy in Tehran, where US interests are dealt with. Hundreds tried to reach the US consulate in Jerusalem Friday but were turned away by Israeli police. read full article: Jerusalem Post by REUTERS
Protesters also clashed with police in Yemen, where one person died and 15 were injured on Thursday when the US embassy compound was stormed, and crowds gathered against the California-made film in Malaysia, Bangladesh and Iraq. According to Al-Jazeera, protests were also taking place at US consulates in India and Qatar, while thousands gathered to protest at the Swiss embassy in Tehran, where US interests are dealt with. Hundreds tried to reach the US consulate in Jerusalem Friday but were turned away by Israeli police. read full article: Jerusalem Post by REUTERS
Thursday, September 13, 2012
BBC News-Anti-Islam film protest spread across Middle East
Main flashpoints
11 September
1. US embassy in Cairo attacked, flag torn down and replaced with an Islamist banner
2. Mob attacks US consulate in Benghazi, US ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans killed
13 September
3. Protesters break into the US embassy compound in Sanaa, Yemen, amid clashes with security forces
Further violence reported in Cairo. read full article: BBC News
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Israeli leader ratchets up fued with US over Iran
Associated Press/Menahem Kahana, Pool -
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gestures as he addresses the weekly
cabinet meeting in Jerusalem, Sunday, Sept. 9, 2012. (AP Photo/Menahem Kahana,
"The world tells Israel, 'Wait. There's still time,'" Netanyahu said Tuesday. "And I say: 'Wait for what? Wait until when?' Those in the international community who refuse to put red lines before Iran don't have a moral right to place a red light before Israel." read full article: Associated Press
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Michael Gofaroth: Remembering 9/11
I would like to thank my two sons and grandson for their sacrifices in defending our country. I recall the day one of my sons told me he was joining the military due to the attacks on the Trade Center. God Bless the families that have suffered from these cowardice acts of terrorism.
This is an excerpt from an article written by Michael Gofaoth.
"This week, as we remember those who died on that awful day from the terrorist attacks on this country, those who have been killed and wounded in the fight to prevent future attacks, those who lost friends and family members in New York and Washington and in a field in Pennsylvania, those who have seen their friends and family members called into military service in the aftermath of those attacks, let us also remember a time when we felt united, if only for a few fleeting months, and when we felt pride to share the name of American with our fellow Americans.
And, let us remember that song:"
"God bless America,
"Land that I love.
"Stand beside her, and guide her
"Through the night with a light from above.
"From the mountains, to the prairies,
"To the oceans, white with foam,
"God bless America, my home sweet home.
"God bless America, my home sweet home."
read full article:Michael Goforth; Remembering 9/11
This is an excerpt from an article written by Michael Gofaoth.
"This week, as we remember those who died on that awful day from the terrorist attacks on this country, those who have been killed and wounded in the fight to prevent future attacks, those who lost friends and family members in New York and Washington and in a field in Pennsylvania, those who have seen their friends and family members called into military service in the aftermath of those attacks, let us also remember a time when we felt united, if only for a few fleeting months, and when we felt pride to share the name of American with our fellow Americans.
And, let us remember that song:"
"God bless America,
"Land that I love.
"Stand beside her, and guide her
"Through the night with a light from above.
"From the mountains, to the prairies,
"To the oceans, white with foam,
"God bless America, my home sweet home.
"God bless America, my home sweet home."
read full article:Michael Goforth; Remembering 9/11
Ahmadinejad to address UN on Yom Kippur
The Iranian leader is expected to address the GA on the Jewish holy day of Yom Kippur, while Netanyahu will speak the next day after arriving in the
United States. read full article: YNET News
The Hal Lindsey Report-'The Big Picture'
The Big Picture watch video 9/7/2012 The Hal Lindsey Report
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Yangtze River Turns Red in Chongquing and Other Parts of China
When the third longest river in the world turns red, it’s worth taking a moment to stop and make note of it.
The Yangtze River, the longest in China running through Chongquing, which ABC News describes as “Southwest China’s largest industrial and commercial center,” turned a reddish-orange hue on Thursday.
The Yangtze River, the longest in China running through Chongquing, which ABC News describes as “Southwest China’s largest industrial and commercial center,” turned a reddish-orange hue on Thursday.
Earthquakes Kill at Least 80 people in Southwest China
Two magnitude 5.6 earthquakes shook southwestern China’s Yunnan and Guizhou provinces yesterday, killing at least 80 people, destroying more than 6,650 homes, triggering landslides and disrupting power and communications. read full article:
Friday, September 7, 2012
Canada closes embassy in Iran, expels Iranian diplomats
Canada abruptly closed its embassy in Iran and expelled Iranian diplomats in Ottawa Friday, citing safety concerns in Tehran and the long-standing view that Iran is a significant threat to global peace.
"The Iranian regime has shown blatant disregard for the Vienna Convention and its guarantee of protection for diplomatic personnel," Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird said Friday, formally listing Iran as a state sponsor of terrorism. read full article with video: CTV News
"The Iranian regime has shown blatant disregard for the Vienna Convention and its guarantee of protection for diplomatic personnel," Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird said Friday, formally listing Iran as a state sponsor of terrorism. read full article with video: CTV News
Iran sends elite troops to aid Basher al-Assad regime in Syria
Iran is intensifying its support for the regime of Bashar al-Assad by sending
150 senior Revolutionary Guards commanders to Syria to help repel opposition
attempts to overthrow the government.
Western intelligence officials say that Iran's president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has personally sanctioned the dispatch of the experienced officers to ensure that the Assad regime, Iran's most important regional ally, survives the threat to its survival.
Western intelligence officials say that Iran's president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has personally sanctioned the dispatch of the experienced officers to ensure that the Assad regime, Iran's most important regional ally, survives the threat to its survival. read full article:The Telegraph
Western intelligence officials say that Iran's president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has personally sanctioned the dispatch of the experienced officers to ensure that the Assad regime, Iran's most important regional ally, survives the threat to its survival.
Western intelligence officials say that Iran's president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has personally sanctioned the dispatch of the experienced officers to ensure that the Assad regime, Iran's most important regional ally, survives the threat to its survival. read full article:The Telegraph
Thursday, September 6, 2012
PA blast Democrats' affirmation of Jerusalem as Israel's capitol
On Wednesday, the Democratic Party reinstated language into its platform affirming Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, after it came under fire for removing it.
According to campaign officials for President Barack Obama, the re-addition of the statement was a result of intervention by the US president.
The language is at odds with US policy calling for the status of Jerusalem to be resolved through negotiations. full article: The Times Of Israel
America's second -highest ranking army officer visits Israel for Iran, security talks
Vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff meets Barak; will be followed here next week by general who will oversee October’s joint missile defense exercise. full article: The Times Of Israel
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Egyptian president calls for full Palestinian membership at UN
Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi (photo credit: AP/Maya Alleruzzo/file)
CAIRO (AP) — Egypt’s president gave his first major foreign policy speech on Wednesday, telling the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad to step down before it is too late, warning Iran against interfering in Arab affairs and voicing support for Palestinian efforts to gain full membership status at the United Nations. full article: The Times Of Israel
Update 8-Powerful quake hits Costa Rica, two dead
A powerful earthquake rocked Costa Rica on Wednesday, killing at least two people, sparking landslides, knocking down buildings, and briefly triggering a tsunami warning.
Striking a tourist region popular with Hollywood stars, Costa Rica's worst quake in over two decades sowed panic in the capital, disrupting power supplies and communications, and caused an entire hospital on the Pacific coast to be evacuated. full article: REUTERS
Striking a tourist region popular with Hollywood stars, Costa Rica's worst quake in over two decades sowed panic in the capital, disrupting power supplies and communications, and caused an entire hospital on the Pacific coast to be evacuated. full article: REUTERS
West Nile cases in U.S. up 25 percent in latest week: CDC
The number of U.S. cases of West Nile virus rose 25 percent in the latest week, putting the 2012 outbreak of the mosquito-borne disease on track to be the most severe on record in the United States, health officials said on Wednesday. full article: REUTERS
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Report reveals U.S. steps to restain Iran to forestall Israeli attack
The U.S. and over 25 other countries will hold the largest scale mine-sweeping exercise on Sept. 16-27 in the Persian Gulf, in a show of unity and a defensive step to prevent Iran from attempting to block oil exports through the Strait of Hormuz.
The U.S. is also racing to complete a new radar system in Qatar in the coming months that would combine with radars already in place in Israel and Turkey to form a broad arc of anti-missile coverage, the report said.
Washington is considering launching further cyber operation like the cyber attack code-named "Olympic Games" that infected Iran's nuclear centrifuges, in a bid to slow down the Iranian nuclear program. full article:
The U.S. is also racing to complete a new radar system in Qatar in the coming months that would combine with radars already in place in Israel and Turkey to form a broad arc of anti-missile coverage, the report said.
Washington is considering launching further cyber operation like the cyber attack code-named "Olympic Games" that infected Iran's nuclear centrifuges, in a bid to slow down the Iranian nuclear program. full article:
Monday, September 3, 2012
Sunday, September 2, 2012
In tackling Iran, Israel increasingly feels 'it has no one to rely on but itself, official says
The combination of Iran’s progress toward the bomb, the failure of the US to “set red lines” for Iran, and the increasingly critical comments by the top US soldier about a possible Israeli strike on Iran, have left Israel with “a sharpened sense that it has no one to rely upon but itself,” a senior Israeli official said. full article: The Times Of Israel
Up to 10,000 Yosemite visitors at risk of mouse-borne virus
Park concessionaire Delaware North Co. sent letters and emails this week to nearly 3,000 people who reserved the insulated "Signature" cabins between June and August, warning them that they might have been exposed.
The cabins hold up to four people, and park spokesman Scott Gediman said Friday that means up to 7,000 more visitors might have been exposed to the virus that so far has killed two people and sickened four others. full article:USA Today-AP
Activists say 5,000 killed in Syria in August
Activist groups said Sunday that about 5,000 people were killed in Syria's civil war in August, the highest figure ever reported in more than 17 months of fighting as President Bashar Assad's regime unleashed crushing air power against the revolt for the first time.
The U.N. children's fund UNICEF put the death toll for last week alone at 1,600, the largest weekly figure for the entire uprising. full article: Associated Press
The U.N. children's fund UNICEF put the death toll for last week alone at 1,600, the largest weekly figure for the entire uprising. full article: Associated Press
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