Monday, April 29, 2013
UN: Chemical probe ready to deploy within 48 hours
UN Secretary- General Ban Ki-moon and Åke Sellström, appointed to lead the fact-finding mission on the alleged use of chemical weapons in Syria, announced at UN headquarters in New York on Monday that their team is waiting to deploy from Cyprus within 48 hours. read full article:
Deadly earthquakes strike around the world
A series of deadly earthquakes have struck many countries around the world, including China, Mexico, and Iran, in the last few weeks resulting in hundreds of injuries and deaths. read full article:
Hal Lindsey Report: 4/26/2013
Hal Lindsey Report -"Muslim Eggshells" Speaks on the Koran and the Hadith.
watch video 4/26/2013:
watch video 4/26/2013:
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Obama to Planned Parenthood: 'Thank You, God Bless You'
Observing the many new abortion restrictions passed recently in state legislatures, Obama charged that “an assault on women’s rights” is underway across the country.
Obama encouraged the Planned Parenthood supporters gathered tocontinue to fight for abortion rights.
“You’ve also got a president who is going to be right there with you, fighting every step of the way,” the president said. read full article:
Pslam 139:13-16
Obama encouraged the Planned Parenthood supporters gathered to
“You’ve also got a president who is going to be right there with you, fighting every step of the way,” the president said. read full article:
Pslam 139:13-16
13 For You formed my inward parts;
You 6covered me in my mother’s womb.
Marvelous are Your works,
And that my soul knows very well.
When I was made in secret,
And skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.
And in Your book they all were written,
The days fashioned for me,
When as yet there were none of them.
Thursday, April 25, 2013
U.S.: Intelligence points to small-scale use of sarin in Syria
The United States has evidence that the chemical weapon sarin has been used in Syria on a small scale, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said Thursday.
But numerous questions remain about the origins of the chemical and what effect its apparent use could have on the ongoing Syrian civil war and international involvement in it.
When asked whether the intelligence community's conclusion pushed the situation across President Barack Obama's "red line" that could trigger more U.S. involvement in the war, Hagel said it's too soon to full article:
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Israel's claim about Syria chemical weapons highlights 'red line'
Israel's accusation that Syria used chemical weapons against rebels raises the prospect that Damascus crossed what President Obama has termed a "red line," but appears unlikely to overcome deep resistance of the U.S. and its allies to military involvement in the country's civil war.
Brig. Gen. Itai Brun, Israel's top military intelligence analyst, said at a security conference in Tel Aviv on Tuesday that Syria used chemical weapons, probably a sarin-based nerve agent, in attacks March 19 near Aleppo and Damascus. He said the assessment was based on reports of victims foaming at the mouth and having constricted full article:,0,6939646.story
Sunday, April 21, 2013
North Korea moves two more missile launchers: report
SEOUL (Reuters) - North Korea has moved
two short-range missile
launchers to its east coast, apparently indicating it is pushing ahead
with preparations for a test launch, a South Korean news agency reported on
South Korea and its allies have been
expecting some sort of North Korean missile launch during weeks of
heightened hostility on the Korean peninsula.
An unidentified South Korean military source told the South's Yonhap news agency that satellite imagery showed that North Korean forces had moved two mobile missile launchers for short-range Scud missiles to South Hamgyeong province.
"The military is closely watching the North's latest
preparations for a missile launch," the source said.
read full article:
Israel seeks Turkish airbase for attack on Iran: Report
In an article, the Sunday Times said that during his visit on Sunday, Amidror is expected to solicit Turkey’s agreement with regard to the deployment of Israeli fighter jets in Akinci airbase, northwest of Ankara, in exchange for advanced military equipments and technology, the Times of Israel reported.
“Until the recent crisis, Turkey was our biggest aircraft carrier. Using the Turkish airbases could make the difference between success and failure once a showdown with Iran gets underway,” Sunday Times quoted an unnamed Israeli military source as saying. read full article:
“Until the recent crisis, Turkey was our biggest aircraft carrier. Using the Turkish airbases could make the difference between success and failure once a showdown with Iran gets underway,” Sunday Times quoted an unnamed Israeli military source as saying. read full article:
Saturday, April 20, 2013
China earthquake kills 156, injures 5,500
Residents in China's southwestern Sicuan province huddled outdoors Saturday night in a town near the epicenter of a powerful earthquake that struck earlier in the day, leaving at least 156 people dead and more than 5,500 injured, nearly five years after a devastating quake wreaked widespread damage across the region.
Saturday morning's earthquake triggered landslides and disrupted phone and power connections in mountainous Lushan county five years after a devastating quake wreaked widespread damage across the region. The village of Longmen was hit particularly hard, with authorities saying nearly all the buildings there had been destroyed in a frightening minute-long shaking by the quake. read full article:
Saturday morning's earthquake triggered landslides and disrupted phone and power connections in mountainous Lushan county five years after a devastating quake wreaked widespread damage across the region. The village of Longmen was hit particularly hard, with authorities saying nearly all the buildings there had been destroyed in a frightening minute-long shaking by the quake. read full article:
Thursday, April 18, 2013
California Bill Would Pay for Creating Eggs for Human Cloning
Cloning of the kind used to make Dolly the sheep, known as somatic cell nuclear transfer, requires one human egg per try. But human eggs (oocytes) are in very short supply. This “egg dearth” (as I call it), has hobbled the biotech industry from successfully cloning human embryos. I have predicted that will soon change. Now, fueling my suspicion, new California legislation has been filed to permit researchers to pay women for undergoing egg extraction–which can cost ”donors” their health, fecundity, even their lives.
First, the prices paid would be set by the researchers: From AB 926:
(j) This bill willreverse the current ban on compensation for women providing human oocytes for research. Compensation amounts will be determined by human subject research panels and institutional review boards. full article:
Israel ready to act on Syria weapons, warns Netanyahu
Benjamin Netanyahu: "Iran needs to know that if economic
sanctions fail, there will be military action"
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin
Netanyahu has told the BBC that Israel has a right to prevent weapons from
falling into the wrong hands in Syria.
He said that if terrorists seized anti-aircraft and chemical weapons they could be "game changers" in the region. full article with video:
US troops sent to Jordan to counter Syrian attack on kingdom
US Defense Secretary
Chuck Hagel announced Wednesday, April 17, that 200 troops of the US 1st Armored
Division had been ordered to deploy in Jordan. debkafile’s military sources report
that they are being sent on arrival to the north and ranged on the
Jordanian-Syrian border. read full article:
Monday, April 15, 2013
The Hal Lindsey Report
Hal Lindsey gives Biblical references concerning the marriage between man and woman. It is clear that the acceptance of homosexuality in our society is a sign of moral decay and the act is sinful in God's heart.
Friday, April 12, 2013
North Korea states 'nuclear war is unavoidable' as it declares first target will be Japan
In a commentary carried by the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA), the communist country lashed out at Tokyo's standing orders to destroy any missile heading toward Japan, threatening such actions will result in a nuclear attack against the island nation.
If Japan executes its threat to shoot down any North Korean missile, such a “provocative”intervention would see Tokyo — an enormous conurbation of 30 million people — “consumed in nuclear flames”, KCNA warned.
“Japan is always in the cross-hairs of our revolutionary army and if Japan makes a slightest move, the spark of war will touch Japan first,” the report added.
An official at Japan’s defence ministry said that the country “will take every possible measure to respond to any scenario”, while the US Secretary of State John Kerry warned that a North Korean missile launch would be a “huge mistake”. read full article:
If Japan executes its threat to shoot down any North Korean missile, such a “provocative”
“Japan is always in the cross-hairs of our revolutionary army and if Japan makes a slightest move, the spark of war will touch Japan first,” the report added.
An official at Japan’s defence ministry said that the country “will take every possible measure to respond to any scenario”, while the US Secretary of State John Kerry warned that a North Korean missile launch would be a “huge mistake”. read full article:
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
DOUBLE-BARRELED SUNSPOTS: Earth is staring down a double-barreled threat for solar flares--that is, sunspots AR1718 and AR1719. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory photographed the pair during the early hours of April 10th:
Each of these sunspots has a 'beta-gamma' magnetic field that harbors energy for M-class flares. Of the two, AR1718 appears more likely to erupt. It is growing rapidly and is already crackling with lesser C-class flares. Any explosions today will be Earth-directed.
A Cup of Contemplation-'Angel' filmed by NASA
LOS ANGELES, April 9, 2013 /CNW/ - In recent months, two extraordinary photographs were recorded by NASA cameras of a gigantic angel-like figure hovering near the sun. The photographs have been widely seen on YouTube and UFO websites, but NASA scientists have given no explanation for the mysterious phenomenon. read full article:
North Korea Leans Toward Brink of War
In its continuing escalation of threats and psychological warfare, North Korea warned foreigners to evacuate South Korea immediately. “We do not wish harm on foreigners in South Korea should there be a war,” said the KCNA news agency, citing its Korea Asia-Pacific Peace Committee. “The situation on the Korean Peninsula is inching close to a thermo-nuclear war. Once a war is ignited on the peninsula, it will be an all-out war, a merciless, sacred, retaliatory war waged by the DPRK (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea).” full article:
Sunday, April 7, 2013
China warns against "troublemaking" on Korean peninsula
China warned
against "troublemaking" on its doorstep, in an apparent rebuke to North Korea, and the
United States
said it was postponing a missile test to help calm high tension on the divided
peninsula. full article:;_ylt=AjPaAbnYlBgCOdlILlQQ8xVvaA8F;_ylu=X3oDMTNuOWM3ZzQzBG1pdANNZWdhdHJvbiBXb3JsZARwa2cDNmRhM2QwNGQtYmYxZS0zNzg5LTliNWQtMDIyZGVkYjVkMzczBHBvcwMxBHNlYwNtZWdhdHJvbgR2ZXIDODIyMmJhYjAtOWY4Zi0xMWUyLWE2N2YtMDk4YzcwYmQ2MDky;_ylg=X3oDMTJhMGdwczluBGludGwDdXMEbGFuZwNlbi11cwRwc3RhaWQDBHBzdGNhdAN3b3JsZARwdANzZWN0aW9ucwR0ZXN0A2dzX2Nyb3NzcHJvcF90ZXN0;_ylv=3
Saturday, April 6, 2013
Powers and Iran fail to end nuclear deadlock in Almaty
World powers and Iran failed again to end the deadlock in a
decade-old dispute over Tehran's nuclear program in talks that ended in
Kazakhstan on Saturday, prolonging a standoff that could yet spiral into a new
Middle East war.
No new talks were scheduled but big power negotiators, who earlier this year were insisting that time was running out, were at pains to say the diplomatic process would continue. full article:
No new talks were scheduled but big power negotiators, who earlier this year were insisting that time was running out, were at pains to say the diplomatic process would continue. full article:
Friday, April 5, 2013
'Abbas calls on Netanyahu to draw two-state map'
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has demanded a map for a future Palestinian state before the resumption of any peace talks, Palestinian news agency Ma'an quoted an aide as saying on Friday.
Abbas "wants to know, through a map to be presented by Binyamin Netanyahu to [US Secretary of State John] Kerry, what the prime minister's view of a two-state solution would be, especially the borders," Ma'an quoted political adviser Nimr Hammad as saying. full article:
Abbas "wants to know, through a map to be presented by Binyamin Netanyahu to [US Secretary of State John] Kerry, what the prime minister's view of a two-state solution would be, especially the borders," Ma'an quoted political adviser Nimr Hammad as saying. full article:
North Korea tells Brit diplomats to get out — then sets chilling April 10 deadline
Crackpot Kim Jong-un’s regime today issued a chilling threat to British diplomats warning them to get out of Pyongyang.
Alarmingly the North Korean government said it would not be able to guarantee the safety of embassies from April 10.
Russian diplomats have also been advised to evacuate. full article:
Alarmingly the North Korean government said it would not be able to guarantee the safety of embassies from April 10.
Russian diplomats have also been advised to evacuate. full article:
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Military buildup in China near North Korean border continues as tanks, armored vehicles spotted
China continued moving tanks and armored vehicles and flying flights near North Korea this week as part of a military buildup in the northeastern part of the country that U.S. officials say is related to the crisis with North Korea. full article:
North Korea blocks South workers from Kaesong zone
North Korea has stopped South Koreans from crossing the border to work at the
jointly run Kaesong industrial zone, for the first time since 2009. full article:
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
US: Restarting NKorea reactor would be 'alarming'
The U.S. called for North Korea to abandon its nuclear
ambitions on Tuesday and said it would be "extremely alarming" if Pyongyang
follows through on a vow to restart its plutonium reactor.
The White House and the State Department said
they were taking seriously an almost daily string of threats from North Korea
toward the U.S.
and South
Korea, ratcheted up a notch Tuesday when the North said it would revive its
long-dormant reactor and ramp up production of nuclear weapons material. read full article:
Monday, April 1, 2013
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