Friday, October 28, 2011

"Syria sows mines along Lebanese, Jordanian, Turkish borders..."

"In the last 48 hours, the Syrian engineering corps has laid minefields along the Jordanian, Turkish borders to cut down on the influx of weapons and armed manpower supporting the anti-Assad opposition and the outflow of army deserters."    DEBKAfile


Wednesday, October 26, 2011

"Vatican Calls for 'Central World Bank' to Be Set Up"

The Vatican called on Monday for the establishment of a "global public authority" and a "central world bank" to rule over financial institutions that have become outdated and often ineffective in dealing fairly  with crisis.  CNBC


"Rise of Sharia Law Will Bring War To The Middle East"

"War is on the way to the Middle East as Muslim countries are determined to force a showdown over the future of Israel, Ronald Reagan's assistant defense Secretary Frank Gaffney warned in an exclusive Newsmax.TV interview."

article and video:

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Video from 'firecharger' encourages the Watchman

Date setters that declare a specific date of the Lord's return brings judgement to those inspired to be prophecy watchman.    The 'firecharger'  is a truck driver by profession and brings truth in his delivery as a watchman. 

'firecharger' video

Monday, October 24, 2011

'US Sen. John McCain: Could it be time to intervene in Syria?"

"US Sen. John McCain on Sunday raised the possibility of some kind of military attack on Syria..."

Los Angeles Times

"US pulls ambassador out of Syria"

The Washington Post

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Syrian president "Basher al-Assad will be the next to fall"

"Opposition leaders in Syria predict that president Basher al-Assad would follow Gaddafi to become the next Middle East strongman to be disposed in the Arab Spring."

The Telegraph

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Mass Animal Deaths

I began to research the mass animal die offs around the world as more and more stories became news worthy.  At first it was depicted as a normal occurrence which seemed suspicious as to their explanations.  The word 'mystery' begins to pop up such as: "Mystery shrouds seal deaths..." (New England),  "Mysterious disease kills scores of seals in Alaska".

As a prophecy watchman, I am reminded of the words of Jesus as he spoke to his disciples concerning the signs of his return.  Matthew 24 vs 7  "For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.  8. All these are the beginnings of sorrows."   Pestilences is defined as harmful to health and life, such as plagues and diseases.

"Mystery disease kill scores of seals in Alaska"

New England: "Mystery shrouds seal deaths"

 Google Earth makes available a bulleted map of  animal die offs in 2011 if one wishes to take a look.
Google Earth Map

Monday, October 17, 2011

Hal Lindsey reports on the Burden of Damascus

This weeks Hal Lindsey report teaches on the prophecy of Isaiah and the Burden of Damascus.
He speaks on the Wall Street protests as well as on the Mormon doctrine.

Please watch the program in it's entirety.

video 10/14/2011
Hal Lindsey Report

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Hal Lindsey does not believe in date setting, HOWEVER

No one will know the day or hour of the Lord's return, however Jesus tell us we would know the season and commands us to watch.  Please read Hal Lindsey's Watchman Warning. 

Hal Lindsey-Watchman Warning

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Is Syria heading for a Civil War?

The UN claims the protest in Syria is growing closer to civil war.  This video included an interview with an army defector that has join the cause and calls for more to defect. 

video :
BBC report on Syria

Thursday, October 13, 2011

"Recognizing Signs of the Times"

"What are the specific signs that point to the Lord's soon return?"  by Dr David R. Reagan
Within this article is an outline overview of the signs with biblical references.

Signs of the Times

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

"Saudi Arabia to "take measures" after Iran plot"

"There were always problems with Iran and Saudi Arabia, what is new now is that America is involved..."

Saudi Arabia to take measures

"Iran to be 'held accountable' for assassianation plot..."

Secretary of State Hilliary Clinton and Vice President Joe Biden state Iran will be held accountable for plot to assassinate  Saudi Arabia's US Ambassador.  Iran denies it's involvement, however,  Biden says clear evidence will show this to be the case.

Iran to be held accountable

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

"Top Syria cleric threatens attack on US and EU"

"Syria's top Sunni Muslim cleric has warned western countries against military intervention in Syria and threatens to retaliate with suiside bombings in the United States and Europe..."

US Today

Video of warning:
Syria cleric threatens US and EU

Monday, October 10, 2011

"Israel ready to strike Syria, Lebanon, Gaza"

Article from israel today magazine features Israel's response to Syrian threat.

israel today

Thursday, October 6, 2011

"Yom Kippur War anniversary: IDF drafts reserves in drill"

"Surprise drill to prepare reservist for possible emergency call up; officer says it's coincidence it took place on the eve of Yom Kippur."

Jerusalem Post

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The Differences in Israel and the Church

"God is not the author of confusion."    I have taken this side-by-side chart to help those in their studies of scriptures.  There are distinct differences in the promises to Israel and the Church.
 May the Holy Spirit guide you.

(Rev. Stanley L. Derickson,  Israel and the Church)

Topic                               Israel                                               Church

Birth                               Physical                                          Spiritual
                                    (born a Jew)                                    (born again)

Promise                        Literal (living)                                  Spiritual

Position in                   dead-ruling                                        Ruling
the Kingdom               living-ruled

Position today              God's people                                  God's Children
                                      (set aside) 

Seed of Abraham         Physical                                           Spiritual

Abraham                      Head of Israel                                  Spiritual Father

Land                             Physical                                           Ruling/Glorified

Nationality                   Jewish Nation                                   From all Nations

Salvation                     Looking towards                                Under Christ's
                                    Christ                                                  Blood

God's dealings             As a Nation                                        As Individuals

God's Governing         Mosaic Law                                        Grace

Tribulations                Will go through                                 Taken out before

Holy Spirit                  Helping believers                               Indeweling at
                                    at times                                               all times

Standing                      Under Promise                                   Under Grace

God's meaning            Almighty God                                    God the Father
to the believer

Christ                           King of Israel                                     Head of the Church

Divine Power               none                                                   Spirit  Endowed

Chirst's Return             In Power and Glory                           Quietly to receive us

Intercession                  Priesthood                                          Priesthood of
                                                                                                all believers       


Warning from Syrian President

"If NATO attacks Syria, we'll fire missles at Tel Aviv"

Statement from Syrian President Assad (Article from Jersulaem Post)

Monday, October 3, 2011

"A Watchman Warning"

Hal Lindsey speaks of the issues of the September UN Assembly.  His weekly reports give much insight on the current situation of Israel.

Hal Lindsey 9/30/2011

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Solar Storm Report

I will from time to time give updates on the solar storms that could effect us on earth.

Fox Report