Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The Differences in Israel and the Church

"God is not the author of confusion."    I have taken this side-by-side chart to help those in their studies of scriptures.  There are distinct differences in the promises to Israel and the Church.
 May the Holy Spirit guide you.

(Rev. Stanley L. Derickson,  Israel and the Church)

Topic                               Israel                                               Church

Birth                               Physical                                          Spiritual
                                    (born a Jew)                                    (born again)

Promise                        Literal (living)                                  Spiritual

Position in                   dead-ruling                                        Ruling
the Kingdom               living-ruled

Position today              God's people                                  God's Children
                                      (set aside) 

Seed of Abraham         Physical                                           Spiritual

Abraham                      Head of Israel                                  Spiritual Father

Land                             Physical                                           Ruling/Glorified

Nationality                   Jewish Nation                                   From all Nations

Salvation                     Looking towards                                Under Christ's
                                    Christ                                                  Blood

God's dealings             As a Nation                                        As Individuals

God's Governing         Mosaic Law                                        Grace

Tribulations                Will go through                                 Taken out before

Holy Spirit                  Helping believers                               Indeweling at
                                    at times                                               all times

Standing                      Under Promise                                   Under Grace

God's meaning            Almighty God                                    God the Father
to the believer

Christ                           King of Israel                                     Head of the Church

Divine Power               none                                                   Spirit  Endowed

Chirst's Return             In Power and Glory                           Quietly to receive us

Intercession                  Priesthood                                          Priesthood of
                                                                                                all believers       


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