Monday, November 19, 2012

Gaza conflict: Anonymous hackers target Israel

Here again is an article that states Israel as an aggressor to Hamas.  Honestly,  I shake my head with disbelief that people are so blind when it comes to Israel.  I suppose this organization thinks Israel should do nothing while schools and innocent civilian are targeted with missiles daily.


The hacking collective Anonymous targeted Israeli government websites and briefly brought down the homepage of a Jerusalem-based bank over the weekend in retaliation for Israeli attacks on Gaza.

Anonymous hacking collective
Members of global hacking collective Anonymous protest in Hungary in February Photo: AP

As the violence in the Gaza strip entered its sixth day, the Israeli government counted no fewer than 44 million hacking attempts over the weekend, the most successful of which have come from the leaderless cyber outfit.
Known for their distinctive use of imagery including the Guy Fawkes mask and a logo of a headless, suited man, Anonymous began updating a list of Israeli sites it had defaced or brought offline on Friday.

The Telegraph

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