Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Ahmadinejad Says ‘I Wish to Pray in Jerusalem’ – But Guess Who Needs to Disappear First

Ahmadinejad’s visit to Egypt is considered significant as it is the first visit of an Iranian leader to Egypt since Iran’s Islamic revolution in 1979. It is also an indication of how much Egypt has changed since President Hosni Mubarak’s fall from power. Both Mubarak and his predecessor President Anwar Sadat were vilified in Iran and other Muslim countries for honoring the peace treaty with Israel.
Morsi, who spent much of his political career in the Muslim Brotherhood, traveled to Iran in August. It was also the first time since 1979 that an Egyptian leader visited Iran.
Morsi’s cultivation of ties with a regime that has stated a commitment to destroying Israel and that is defying international sanctions by continuing work on the clandestine elements of its nuclear program has thus far made no impact on U.S. military aid to Egypt. Just this Sunday, an American military delegation delivered four F-16 fighter jets to Egypt.
The Obama administration has not given any indication it is weighing a change or a scale-back in military aid, but Republican senators sent President Obama a letter last week asking the administration to delay the delivery of an additional 16 F-16s expected to be delivered in 2013.

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