Thursday, July 18, 2013

Updates From The Epicenter: Israel Being Forced Into Indefensible Borders By 'The Nations'

Of course we know from the prophet Zechariah that Israel will stand alone in the last days of this generation and indeed they are. The U.S., the EU and Russia are all  involved and all parties are desperately attempting to force Israel into the pre-1967 borders, which most military experts agree is indefensible. 

Exactly as biblical prophecy would dictate. What 'the nations' don't understand, is that God is watching these developments and God Himself will protect Israel. Too bad Gog doesn't recognize that fact because it will be his undoing. As it will be for any nation attempting to divide Jerusalem - which is a big part of this effort and the so-called 'pre-1967 borders' arrangement. We know directly from biblical prophecy that anyone or any nation that attempts to divide Jerusalem will be "cut into pieces' - and that list is all inclusive. The U.S. is no exception to that rule. We also know from Genesis 12:3 what happens to those who 'curse' Israel. Good luck with this effort - to the EU and the U.S. 

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