The Rapture, Tribulation, and the Battle Of Armageddon. The end times events as predicted in the Bible's book of Revelation.
Video: Biblical End Time Events
Friday, August 31, 2012
Drought drives world food prices up
Global food prices jumped 10% in July from the month before, driven up by the
severe Midwest drought which has pushed the price of grains to record levels,
the World Bank reported Thursday.
read full article: LA Times
read full article: LA Times
'US is undermining military threat against Iran'
Vice Premier Moshe Ya'alon said on Friday he feared Iran did not believe it faced a real military threat from the outside world because of mixed messages from foreign powers, including the United States.
"We have an exchange of views, including with our friends in the United States, who in our opinion, are in part responsible for this feeling in Iran," he told Israel's 100FM radio station. read full article: Jerusalem Post
"We have an exchange of views, including with our friends in the United States, who in our opinion, are in part responsible for this feeling in Iran," he told Israel's 100FM radio station. read full article: Jerusalem Post
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Hal On The Hot Seat: Is There a Hell?
Hal Lindsey answers if there really is a Hell, and if there is how can God be good and loving.
watch: Hal Lindsey 8/29/2012
watch: Hal Lindsey 8/29/2012
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Peres: Hamas will pay for firing rockets at kids
President Shimon Peres told students at Shaar HaNegev Technological High School on Monday that there would be “strong repercussions from Israel” if Hamas continues firing rockets at Israeli children.
Referring to the four rockets that had been fired into the South in recent days, two of them quite close to the rocketproof educational facility – Peres said that he could not understand the stupidity of the ongoing rocket campaign, and warned that if the people in Gaza will continue in their attempts to destroy Israel, there will be no choice but to retaliate, and Israel will destroy them. read full article: Jerusalem Post
Referring to the four rockets that had been fired into the South in recent days, two of them quite close to the rocketproof educational facility – Peres said that he could not understand the stupidity of the ongoing rocket campaign, and warned that if the people in Gaza will continue in their attempts to destroy Israel, there will be no choice but to retaliate, and Israel will destroy them. read full article: Jerusalem Post
Monday, August 27, 2012
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Consider This: The gathering storm
This column written on the opinion page of the Jerusalem Post brought back a childhood memory of the fear I felt during the Cuban Crisis. As US citizens we were undergoing drills in case of a missile attack from Cuba. At school the alarms would sound and we would get under our desk with hopes of protection. People were building underground shelters with thoughts of survival. I remember the Emergency Broadcast System's blaring tone with it's message "This is only a test......".
Though this was a very frightening time for the US citizens, it is just a drop in a bucket of what Israel has been going through much of their lifetime. It is just another day in Israel to hear sirens blaring due to rocket fire or the aftermath of a terrorist making his way through a tunnel proclaiming jihad.
This whirlwind of Middle Eastern hatred towards Israel has grown to the point of the distribution of gas masks for fear of weapons of mass destruction, to the participation in emergency drills for those caring for the injured, and to the preparing of shelters for as many as possible. One can't even imagine being called a tumor, a cancerous sore and hearing the threats of being wiped off the face of the map.
read article: The gathering storm--Jerusalem Post
Though this was a very frightening time for the US citizens, it is just a drop in a bucket of what Israel has been going through much of their lifetime. It is just another day in Israel to hear sirens blaring due to rocket fire or the aftermath of a terrorist making his way through a tunnel proclaiming jihad.
This whirlwind of Middle Eastern hatred towards Israel has grown to the point of the distribution of gas masks for fear of weapons of mass destruction, to the participation in emergency drills for those caring for the injured, and to the preparing of shelters for as many as possible. One can't even imagine being called a tumor, a cancerous sore and hearing the threats of being wiped off the face of the map.
read article: The gathering storm--Jerusalem Post
Friday, August 24, 2012
Egyptians unaffected by US threats to cut aid
Egypt’s new leaders are lashing out at Israel and the United States, prompting Washington politicians to ask just what their $65 billion in aid has bought the United States. Since a 1979 peace treaty between Egypt and Israel, Washington has given Cairo economic and military aid that has exceeded $1.5 billion per year. read full article: Jerusalem Post
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Israel's Messiah
I am posting this link called Israel's Messiah . It is hoped that this site will help answer many biblical question you may have.
"This web sight has been designed and published to the Glory of God and to the hope of salvation of His people through Jesus Christ His only begotten Son. May the Holy Spirit guide you to seek God and His Word in Truth and in Spirit." Barry L. Brumfield
Link: Israel's Messiahhas been designed and published to the Glory of God and to the hope of salvation of His people through
Jesus Christ His only begotten Son. May the Holy Spirit guide you to seek God and His Word in Truth and in Spirit.
Jesus Christ His only begotten Son. May the Holy Spirit guide you to seek God and His Word in Truth and in Spirit.
"This web sight has been designed and published to the Glory of God and to the hope of salvation of His people through Jesus Christ His only begotten Son. May the Holy Spirit guide you to seek God and His Word in Truth and in Spirit." Barry L. Brumfield
Link: Israel's Messiahhas been designed and published to the Glory of God and to the hope of salvation of His people through
Jesus Christ His only begotten Son. May the Holy Spirit guide you to seek God and His Word in Truth and in Spirit.
Jesus Christ His only begotten Son. May the Holy Spirit guide you to seek God and His Word in Truth and in Spirit.
Hezbollah holds massive military drill to simulate raids into northern Israel, border clashes
Hezbollah conducted a massive military exercise in southern Lebanon this week, reportedly deploying 10,000 gunmen over three days in a war-game scenario and simulating the Shiite group’s role as an Iranian proxy in a potential war between Israel and Iran. read full article: The Times Of Israel
Balkans region hit by worst drought in decades
(AP) — Wildfires are destroying forests, rivers are being reduced to a trickle,
crops are wilting on the scorched farmland and electricity supplies are running
After the harshest winter in decades, the Balkans region in the southeast of Europe is now facing its hottest summer and the worst drought across the area in nearly 40 years, officials say. read full article: Associated Press
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
West Nile outbreak largest ever in U.S.
The recent West Nile virus outbreak is the largest ever seen in the United States, according to new numbers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The number of cases so far this year is the highest recorded through August since the disease was first detected in the United States in 1999. As of Tuesday, 38 states had reported human infections.
read full article: CNN
The number of cases so far this year is the highest recorded through August since the disease was first detected in the United States in 1999. As of Tuesday, 38 states had reported human infections.
read full article: CNN
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Report: Eygpt Moves Anti-Aircraft and Anti-Missiles to Sinai in Violation of Israel Peace Treaty
Israel Radio – Voice of Israel – is reporting that Egypt has moved anti-tank and anti-aircraft missiles into the Sinai Peninsula, which if true would be a violation of the 1979 Camp David peace accords it signed with Israel which limits the forces Egypt is allowed to position in the Sinai. read full article: The Blaze
Israel protest to U.N. over Iranian rhetoric
Israel submitted a letter to the United Nations Security Council protesting recent statements by Iranian leaders against Israel.
The letter pointed out that Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei said that "Zionism is a danger for entire humanity" and that Israel "is a cancerous tumor … in [the] heart of [the] Muslim world." It also quoted Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as saying that the "the very existence of the Zionist regime is … an affront to all world nations" -- and called on "all human communities to wipe out this scarlet letter, meaning the Zionist regime, from the forehead of humanity."
read full article: JTA
The letter pointed out that Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei said that "Zionism is a danger for entire humanity" and that Israel "is a cancerous tumor … in [the] heart of [the] Muslim world." It also quoted Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as saying that the "the very existence of the Zionist regime is … an affront to all world nations" -- and called on "all human communities to wipe out this scarlet letter, meaning the Zionist regime, from the forehead of humanity."
read full article: JTA
Obama: Concern Over Chemical Weapons in Syria
President Barack Obama says U.S. thinking on possible military involvement in Syria would change if chemical or biological weapons came into play in the Syrian civil war. (Aug. 20)
Watch Video: AP
Watch Video: AP
Monday, August 20, 2012
The Hal Lindsey Report
Called to 'Watch'
The Blessed Hope
The Gift of God
" There is a God shaped vacuum in the heart of every man that cannot be filled by any created thing, but only by God, the Creator, made known through Jesus" Blaise Pascal 1623-1662
watch video 8/17/2012 The Hal Lindsey Report
The Blessed Hope
The Gift of God
" There is a God shaped vacuum in the heart of every man that cannot be filled by any created thing, but only by God, the Creator, made known through Jesus" Blaise Pascal 1623-1662
watch video 8/17/2012 The Hal Lindsey Report
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Iran threats: Proxies have WMD, 'will certainly target Tel Aviv'
Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard said its supporters have been given
WMD assets. IRGC, in an analysis on its website, did not elaborate, but said
WMD would be used in any war against Israel.
Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard said its supporters have been given
WMD assets. IRGC, in an analysis on its website, did not elaborate, but said
WMD would be used in any war against Israel.
The analysis, posted in earlier this month, was seen as marking the worst threat by Iran against the Jewish state. Until 2012, Iran ruled out the use of nuclear weapons or the development of such assets.
read full article: World Tribune
WMD assets. IRGC, in an analysis on its website, did not elaborate, but said
WMD would be used in any war against Israel.
Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard said its supporters have been given
WMD assets. IRGC, in an analysis on its website, did not elaborate, but said
WMD would be used in any war against Israel.
The analysis, posted in earlier this month, was seen as marking the worst threat by Iran against the Jewish state. Until 2012, Iran ruled out the use of nuclear weapons or the development of such assets.
read full article: World Tribune
Friday, August 17, 2012
Hezbollah says can kill tens of thousands of Israelis
TA okays 60 garages to be used as bomb shelter
The Tel Aviv municipality said Wednesday that 60 garages, covering 850,000 square meters of territory, were approved to be used as bomb shelters for some 800,000 people in the case of a missile attack on the home front. read full article: Jerusalem Post
Pray for Israel
Pray for Israel
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Khamenei: Zionist regime will disappear from map
Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said Wednesday that he was confidant "the fake Zionist (regime) will disappear from the landscape of geography,” Iran's Mehr News Agency reported. Khamenei made the comments during a meeting with veterans of the Iran-Iraq War.
"The light of hope will shine on the Palestinian issue, and this Islamic land will certainly be returned to the Palestinian nation," Khamenei was quoted as saying. read full article: Jerusalem Post
"The light of hope will shine on the Palestinian issue, and this Islamic land will certainly be returned to the Palestinian nation," Khamenei was quoted as saying. read full article: Jerusalem Post
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Russia attack submarine sailed in Gulf of Mexico undetected for weeks, U.S. officials say
A Russian nuclear-powered attack submarine armed with long-range cruise missiles operated undetected in the Gulf of Mexico for several weeks and its travel in strategic U.S. waters was only confirmed after it left the region, the Washington Free Beacon has learned. read full article: The Washington Free Beacon
Monday, August 13, 2012
The Hal Lindsey Report
Science is God's Evidence.
Bible Prophecy is God's Signature.
2 Peter 1:19 Peter declares, "So we have the prophetic word made more sure, to which you do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star arises in your hearts."
watch video 8/10/2012 The Hal Lindsey Report
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Israel surprised by Morsi's power play, wary of implications
President’s ouster of familiar military figures heightens uncertainty over Israel-Egypt relations.
read full article: The Times of Israel
As I read this article I recalled a rally video while Morsi was campaigning for the Egyptian presidency. I can fully understand why Israel is uncertain of the newly elected President.
watch video:
read full article: The Times of Israel
As I read this article I recalled a rally video while Morsi was campaigning for the Egyptian presidency. I can fully understand why Israel is uncertain of the newly elected President.
watch video:
Strong quake jolts western China
A shallow 6.3-magnitude
earthquake shook a remote area of China's western region of Xinjiang, near the border
with Tibet, on Sunday, the US Geological Survey said.
It was not immediately clear if there was
any damage or casualties and rescue teams had been rushed to the mountainous
quake zone to assess the situation, a local official told AFP. read full article: AFP
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Two quakes in Iran kill 180 and injure 1500
DUBAI - Two strong earthquakes killed 180 people and injured about 1,500 in northwest Iran where rescuers frantically combed the rubble of dozens of villages through the night into Sunday. read full article: Jerusalem Post by Reuters
U.S. officials: Al-Qaida gaining foothold in Syria
Al-Qaida has advanced beyond isolated pockets of activity in Syria and now is building a network of well-organized cells, according to U.S. intelligence officials, who fear the terrorists could be on the verge of establishing an Iraq-like foothold that would be hard to defeat if rebels eventually oust President Bashar Assad.
At least a couple of hundred al-Qaida-linked militants are already operating in Syria, and their ranks are growing as foreign fighters stream into the Arab country daily, current and former U.S. intelligence officials say. The units are spreading from city to city, with veterans of the Iraq insurgency employing their expertise in bomb-building to carry out more than two dozen attacks so far. Others are using their experience in coordinating small units of fighters in Afghanistan to win new followers. read full article: HAARETZ
At least a couple of hundred al-Qaida-linked militants are already operating in Syria, and their ranks are growing as foreign fighters stream into the Arab country daily, current and former U.S. intelligence officials say. The units are spreading from city to city, with veterans of the Iraq insurgency employing their expertise in bomb-building to carry out more than two dozen attacks so far. Others are using their experience in coordinating small units of fighters in Afghanistan to win new followers. read full article: HAARETZ
Friday, August 10, 2012
Analyis: Israel fears new generation of jihadists on its borders
A surge of violence in Egypt's Sinai desert this week is heightening Israeli concerns about what officials and analysts describe as the growing presence of al-Qaeda-linked jihadis along the Jewish state's borders. read full article: The Telegraph
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Iran to host Syria conference, West skeptical
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has billed the meeting of a dozen unnamed countries as an opportunity "to replace military clashes with political, indigenous approaches to settle the disputes," but there are doubts over the attendance of key players involved the crisis.
Those attending would be countries with "a correct and realistic position" on the Syrian conflict, a senior Iranian diplomat said this week, indicating that no pro-opposition nation would be present. read full article: Jerusalem Post by Reuters
Those attending would be countries with "a correct and realistic position" on the Syrian conflict, a senior Iranian diplomat said this week, indicating that no pro-opposition nation would be present. read full article: Jerusalem Post by Reuters
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Syria's Assad returns to public eye with ally Iran
Syrian President Bashar
Assad made his first appearance on state TV in nearly three weeks Tuesday
in a show of solidarity with a senior Iranian envoy, even as the U.S. urged
stepped up international planning for the regime's collapse. read full article: Associated Press
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Thousand of fish die as Midwest streams heat up
About 40,000 shovelnose sturgeon were killed in Iowa last week as water temperatures reached 97 degrees. Nebraska fishery officials said they've seen thousands of dead sturgeon, catfish, carp, and other species in the Lower Platte River, including the endangered pallid sturgeon. And biologists in Illinois said the hot weather has killed tens of thousands of large- and smallmouth bass and channel catfish and is threatening the population of the greater redhorse fish, a state-endangered species. read full article: Associated Press
New Zealand dormant volcano erupts after a century
Mount Tongariro, one of three volcanoes in the centre of the North Island,
became active just before midnight local time, with reports of loud explosions,
spewing rocks and steam. read full article: BBC News
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Friday, August 3, 2012
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
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