This column written on the opinion page of the Jerusalem Post brought back a childhood memory of the fear I felt during the Cuban Crisis. As US citizens we were undergoing drills in case of a missile attack from Cuba. At school the alarms would sound and we would get under our desk with hopes of protection. People were building underground shelters with thoughts of survival. I remember the Emergency Broadcast System's blaring tone with it's message "This is only a test......".
Though this was a very frightening time for the US citizens, it is just a drop in a bucket of what Israel has been going through much of their lifetime. It is just another day in Israel to hear sirens blaring due to rocket fire or the aftermath of a terrorist making his way through a tunnel proclaiming jihad.
This whirlwind of Middle Eastern hatred towards Israel has grown to the point of the distribution of gas masks for fear of weapons of mass destruction, to the participation in emergency drills for those caring for the injured, and to the preparing of shelters for as many as possible. One can't even imagine being called a tumor, a cancerous sore and hearing the threats of being wiped off the face of the map.
read article: The gathering storm--Jerusalem Post
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