Understanding The Beginning of Sorrows
(birth pains)
Jesus gave many signs to his disciples when they ask him for answers concerning the end of days and about his returning to earth. Jesus told them there would be wars and rumors of wars, earthquake in different places, famines and diseases and that knowledge would increase. Jesus said there would be signs in the moon and the stars. It was spoken of how man morals would become worse and worse. All these signs would increase in speed and intensity as was compared to a woman giving birth. In the book of Revelations it is told how Christ believers would become lukewarm and fall away from their faith. Jesus through His words drew pictures through parables depicting his coming.
He told us the parable of the Fig Tree to show us we could recognize that very season and told us the parable of the Ten Virgin in warning us to keep our lamps lit and ready for his coming. Jesus told us like the days of Noah would this day be for those that are not watching for his coming. For these he would come as thief in the night but for those watching, they would know and prepare for that glorious day and reach out to others with the good news of comfort.
Knowledge has increase so fast that we now know how vulnerable our world has become with, asteroids, comets and solar flares. We have access to news feeds on an hourly bases of when, where and how intense earthquakes are a curing across the globe. NASA watches closely the flares of the Sun to report the dangers to the earth.
There are many mysteries in Crop Circles, Ancient Artifacts, and Monuments. We have access to many theories concerning these mysteries that leave us perplexed and to some may question their faith due to only theories.
The Doomsday of the Mayan Calendar Count was experienced worldwide thanks to knowledge increase in satellite communications. So much that there was fear of mass suicides taking place in many locations where groups had gathered.
I have written the above for an example of the Signs that Jesus has given to us. To not be shaken in these times but to find comfort in knowing all these things must take place. Keep your lamps lit and ready , watch in prayer, and may you hold fast to the promises of God.
Maranatha - (Oh Lord Come)
These are indeed troubling times. It is interesting how he compares it to birth. Intensifying as the time draws near. I look forward to his return. Maranatha!