Senior political sources said that the deal that has been sitting on the negotiations table since the weekend is “very bad.” It calls on Iran to stop enriching uranium to the 20 percent level, but allows them to continue enriching uranium to 3.5% at all of its enrichment sites. In addition it fails to place a limitation on the number of centrifuges in Tehran’s possession, estimated to number 19,000.
“To our understanding, they’re receiving a significant easing of sanctions,” he added.
Rewards to Iran include the unfreezing of $3 billion of fuel funds, an easing of sanctions on the petrochemical and gold sectors, an easing of sanctions on replacement parts for planes and a loosening of restrictions on the Iranian car industry.
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Israel issues warning to Iran over nuclear bomb report
An Israeli defense official says a new report claiming Iran could produce enough weapons-grade uranium to build a nuclear bomb in less than a month is further justification for why Israel will take military action before that happens.http://www.foxnews.com/world/2013/10/27/israel-issues-warning-to-iran-over-nuclear-bomb-report/
Thursday, October 10, 2013
God's Promises
Yesterdays post was a Hal Lindsey Report Video on "Combat Faith". We enter into God's Rest by faith in the promises of God. I found this site called 365 Promises. This is a 6 minute video for the month of October. I will be posting a video for each month. I pray they will uplift you and give you rest.
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Hal Lindsey-Combat Faith
May we all enter God's Rest. video 10/4/2013
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Syria conflict: 'Chemical attacks kill hundreds'
Chemical weapons attacks have killed
hundreds on the outskirts of Damascus, Syrian opposition activists say.
Rockets with toxic agents were launched at the suburbs of the Ghouta region early on Wednesday as part of a major bombardment on rebel forces, they say.
The Syrian army says the accusations have been fabricated to cover up rebel losses.
The main opposition alliance said that more than 1,000 people were killed by the attacks.http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-23777201
Monday, August 19, 2013
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Tamarod movement calls on Egyptian government to cancel Camp David peace treaty
The Tamarod ("Rebellion") movement in Egypt has joined a campaign calling to stop US aid to Egypt, and to cancel the 1979 Camp David peace treaty with Israel, Daily News Egypt reported on Saturday.
The campaign is in response to "unacceptable" US interference in Egyptian political affairs, after US President Barack Obama decided to cancel a joint drill with the Egyptian military in response to the outbreak of violence in the country earlier this week.http://www.jpost.com/Middle-East/Tamarod-movement-calls-on-Egyptian-government-to-cancel-Camp-David-peace-treaty-stop-accepting-US-aid-323386
The campaign is in response to "unacceptable" US interference in Egyptian political affairs, after US President Barack Obama decided to cancel a joint drill with the Egyptian military in response to the outbreak of violence in the country earlier this week.http://www.jpost.com/Middle-East/Tamarod-movement-calls-on-Egyptian-government-to-cancel-Camp-David-peace-treaty-stop-accepting-US-aid-323386
Friday, August 16, 2013
Israel-Palestinian peace talks resume in Jerusalem
The first direct Israeli-Palestinian
peace talks in three years have been held in Jerusalem, officials say.
Both sides confirmed that the meeting - cloaked in secrecy - had ended late on Wednesday after several hours.
A senior Israeli official described the talks as "long and serious" but no statement was published.http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-23693094
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Peace talks resume under cloud of Israeli construction
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - A 10-minute drive from where negotiators will sit down on Wednesday to resume long-stalled Middle East peace talks, Israeli bulldozers are busy reshaping land that Palestinians want for their future state.http://news.yahoo.com/peace-talks-resume-under-cloud-israeli-construction-111509441.html
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Radioactive Water From Fukushima Is Systematically Poisoning The Entire Pacific Ocean
Michael Snyder
Right now, a massive amount of highly radioactive water is escaping into the Pacific Ocean from the ruins of the destroyed Fukushima nuclear facility in Japan. This has been going on all day, every day for more than two years.
The enormous amounts of tritium, cesium and strontium that are being released are being carried by wind, rain and ocean currents all over the northern Hemisphere. And of course the west coast of the United States is being hit particularly hard. When you drink water or eat seafood that has been contaminated with these radioactive particles, they can stick around for a very long time. Over the coming years, this ongoing disaster could potentially affect the health of millions upon millions of people living in the northern hemisphere, and the sad thing is that a lot of those people will never even know the true cause of their health problems.For a long time, the Japanese government has been trusting Tepco to handle this crisis, but now it has become abundantly clear that Tepco has no idea what they are doing. In fact, the flow of radioactive water has gotten so bad that authorities in Japan are now calling it an “emergency”…
Highly radioactive water seeping into the ocean from Japan’s crippled Fukushima nuclear plant is creating an “emergency” that the operator is struggling to contain, an official from the country’s nuclear watchdog said on Monday.
This contaminated groundwater has breached an underground barrier, is rising toward the surface and is exceeding legal limits of radioactive discharge, Shinji Kinjo, head of a Nuclear Regulatory Authority (NRA) task force, told Reuters.
The amount of water that we are talking about is absolutely enormous. According to Yahoo, 400 metric tons of water is being pumped into the basements of destroyed buildings at Fukushima every single day…
The utility pumps out some 400 metric tons a day of groundwater flowing from the hills above the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant into the basements of the destroyed buildings, which mixes with highly irradiated water that is used to cool the reactors in a stable state below 100 degrees Celsius.
Tepco is trying to prevent groundwater from reaching the plant by building a “bypass” but recent spikes of radioactive elements in sea water has prompted the utility to reverse months of denials and finally admit that tainted water is reaching the sea.
And of course all of that water has to go somewhere. For a long time Tepco tried to deny that it was getting into the ocean, but now they are finally admitting that it is…
Tepco said on Friday that a cumulative 20 trillion to 40 trillion becquerels of radioactive tritium had probably leaked into the sea since the disaster. The company said this was within legal limits.
Tritium is far less harmful than cesium and strontium, which have also been released from the plant. Tepco is scheduled to test strontium levels next.
40 trillion becquerels of radioactive tritium have gotten into the Pacific Ocean?
And that is what they are publicly admitting. The reality is probably far worse.And all of that tritium is going to be around for a very long time. You see, the truth is that tritium has a half-life of about 12 years.
But strontium is even worse. Strontium can cause bone cancer and it has a half-life of close to 29 years.
And now Tepco is admitting that extremely dangerous levels of strontium have been escaping from Fukushima and getting into the underground water. And of course the underground water flows out into the Pacific Ocean…
Tepco said in late June that it had detected the highly toxic strontium-90, a by-product of nuclear fission that can cause bone cancer if ingested, at levels 30 times the permitted rate.
The substances, which were released by the meltdowns of reactors at the plant in the aftermath of the huge tsunami of March 2011, were not absorbed by soil and have made their way into underground water.
Subsoil water usually flows out to sea, meaning these two substances could normally make their way into the ocean, possibly affecting marine life and ultimately impacting humans who eat sea creatures.
Cesium has an even longer half-life than strontium does. It has a half life of about 30 years, and according to samples that were taken about a month ago levels of cesium at Fukushima have been spiking dramatically…
Samples taken on Monday showed levels of possibly cancer-causing caesium-134 were more than 90 times higher than they were on Friday, at 9000 becquerels per litre, Tokyo Electric Power (Tepco) revealed.
Levels of caesium-137 stood at 18 000 becquerels per litre, 86 times higher than at the end of last week, the utility said.
“We still don’t know why the level of radiation surged, but we are continuing efforts to avert further expansion of contamination,” a Tepco spokesperson stated.
When cesium gets into your body, it can do a tremendous amount of damage. The following is an excerpt from a NewScientist article that described what happens when cesium and iodine enter the human body…
Moreover the human body absorbs iodine and caesium readily. “Essentially all the iodine or caesium inhaled or swallowed crosses into the blood,” says Keith Baverstock, former head of radiation protection for the World Health Organization’s European office, who has studied Chernobyl’s health effects.
Iodine is rapidly absorbed by the thyroid, and leaves only as it decays radioactively, with a half-life of eight days. Caesium is absorbed by muscles, where its half-life of 30 years means that it remains until it is excreted by the body. It takes between 10 and 100 days to excrete half of what has been consumed.
And it is important to keep in mind that it has been estimated that each spent fuel pool at the Fukushima nuclear complex could have 24,000 times the amount of cesium that was produced by the nuclear bomb that the U.S. dropped on Hiroshima at the end of World War 2.
Overall, the Fukushima nuclear facility originally contained a whopping 1760 tons of nuclear material.That is a massive amount of nuclear material. Chernobyl only contained 180 tons.
And of course the crisis at Fukushima could be made even worse at any moment by a major earthquake. In fact, a magnitude 6.0 earthquake hit northern Japan on Sunday.
This is a nightmare that has no end. Every single day, massive amounts of highly radioactive water from Fukushima is systematically poisoning the entire Pacific Ocean. The damage that is being done is absolutely incalculable.
Please share this article with as many people as you can. The mainstream media does not seem to want to talk about this, but it is a matter that is extremely important to every man, woman and child living in the northern hemisphere of our planet.
About the author: Michael T. Snyder is a former Washington D.C. attorney who now publishes The Truth.Incoming search terms:
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Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Monday, July 29, 2013
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Israeli minister sees possible Palestine talks next week
JERICHO, West Bank (Reuters) - An Israeli cabinet minister said on Thursday that U.S.-sponsored peace negotiations with the Palestinians could begin next week.http://news.yahoo.com/israeli-minister-sees-possible-palestine-talks-july-30-095138041.html
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
A "Peace" Plan Will Be Enforced Upon Israel Which Will Change the World . . . Forever!
The Bible warns a coming "peace plan" will trigger the coming "Apocalypse"... DON'T MISS THIS ... we are warned the coming "Apocalypse" will be the IRREVERSIBLE result of a coming "Peace" Plan which will be enforced upon Israel. It appears from Bible prophecy that the very day this coming "peace" agreement ("covenant") is enforced upon Israel by a coming world leader (who will be the Antichrist) will mark Day 1 of "Apocalypse" ("the Day of (God's) Wrath," "the Time of Jacob's (Israel's) Trouble," the Day of the Lord,"... the "Great Tribulation".)http://www.alphanewsdaily.com/Warning%2014%20Coming%20Peace%20Plan.html
Sunday, July 21, 2013
Israelis, Palestinians skeptical about peace talks
JERUSALEM (AP) — Israeli and Palestinian officials voiced skepticism Sunday that they can move toward a peace deal, as the sides inched toward what may be the first round of significant negotiations in five yearshttp://news.yahoo.com/israelis-palestinians-skeptical-peace-talks-131855792.html
The Destruction of Damascus Draws Nigh: US General, 'We Are Preparing for Military Action in Syria'
Video, RT) - President Barack Obama is considering using military force in Syria, and the Pentagon has prepared various scenarios for possible United States intervention.
Army Gen. Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said the Obama administration is deliberating whether or not it should use the brute of the US military in Syria during a Thursday morning Senate hearing.
Gen. Dempsey said the administration was considering using “kinetic strikes” in Syria and said "issue is under deliberation inside of our agencies of government,” the Associated Press reported from Washington.
Army Gen. Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said the Obama administration is deliberating whether or not it should use the brute of the US military in Syria during a Thursday morning Senate hearing.
Gen. Dempsey said the administration was considering using “kinetic strikes” in Syria and said "issue is under deliberation inside of our agencies of government,” the Associated Press reported from Washington.
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Updates From The Epicenter: Israel Being Forced Into Indefensible Borders By 'The Nations'
Of course we know from the prophet Zechariah that Israel will stand alone in the last days of this generation and indeed they are. The U.S., the EU and Russia are all involved and all parties are desperately attempting to force Israel into the pre-1967 borders, which most military experts agree is indefensible.
Exactly as biblical prophecy would dictate. What 'the nations' don't understand, is that God is watching these developments and God Himself will protect Israel. Too bad Gog doesn't recognize that fact because it will be his undoing. As it will be for any nation attempting to divide Jerusalem - which is a big part of this effort and the so-called 'pre-1967 borders' arrangement. We know directly from biblical prophecy that anyone or any nation that attempts to divide Jerusalem will be "cut into pieces' - and that list is all inclusive . The U.S. is no exception to that rule. We also know from Genesis 12:3 what happens to those who 'curse' Israel. Good luck with this effort - to the EU and the U.S.
Archaeologists say they uncovered King David's Palace
Archaeologists in Jerusalem have uncovered two large buildings fit for a king-- Biblical King David, that is.
Over the past year, archaeologists have excavated a site that they believe to be the fortified Judean city of Shaarayim, where David smote Goliath as described in the Bible.
"The ruins are the best example to date of the uncovered fortress city of King David," said professors Yossi Garfinkel of Hebrew University and Saar Ganor, who led the excavations. "This is indisputable proof of the existence of a central authority in Judah during the time of King David."
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/science/2013/07/18/archaeologists-say-uncovered-king-david-palace/?intcmp=features#ixzz2ZQWijHjJ
Over the past year, archaeologists have excavated a site that they believe to be the fortified Judean city of Shaarayim, where David smote Goliath as described in the Bible.
"The ruins are the best example to date of the uncovered fortress city of King David," said professors Yossi Garfinkel of Hebrew University and Saar Ganor, who led the excavations. "This is indisputable proof of the existence of a central authority in Judah during the time of King David."
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/science/2013/07/18/archaeologists-say-uncovered-king-david-palace/?intcmp=features#ixzz2ZQWijHjJ
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Does the weather seem extreme? Blame the jet stream
The jet stream, the river of air high above Earth that generally dictates the weather, usually rushes rapidly from west to east in a mostly straight direction. But lately it seems to be wobbling and weaving like a drunken driver, wreaking havoc as it goes.http://news.msn.com/us/does-the-weather-seem-extreme-blame-the-jet-stream
Sunday, June 23, 2013
The Hal Lindsey Report-'Building the Beast'
An Awesome Report. Thanks you Hal Lindsey for keeping us informed.
watch video 6/21/2013 'Building the Beast' http://www.hallindsey.com/videos/
watch video 6/21/2013 'Building the Beast' http://www.hallindsey.com/videos/
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Chemtrails: WHY in the World are They Spraying? (NEW 2012 Full Documentary
Published on Aug 19, 2012
People around the world are noticing that our planet's weather is dramatically changing. They are also beginning to notice the long lingering trails left behind airplanes that have lead millions to accept the reality of chemtrail/geoengineering programs. Could there be a connection between the trails and our severe weather? While there are many agendas associated with these damaging programs, evidence is now abundant which proves that geoengineering can be used to control weather. In this documentary you will learn how the aerosols being sprayed into our sky are used in conjunction with other technologies to control our weather. While geoengineers maintain that their models are only for the mitigation of global warming, it is now clear that they can be used as a way to consolidate an enormous amount of both monetary and political power into the hands of a few by the leverage that weather control gives certain corporations over the Earth's natural systems. This of course, is being done at the expense of every living thing on the planet.
Interviews with:
Dane Wigington - Solar Expert/Climate Researcher
Francis Mangels - USDA Bioliogist
Barb Petersen - Farmer/Rancher/Researcher/Radio Host/ http://farmwars.info
Rosalind Petersen - Retired USDA Farm Service / President of the Agriculture Defense Coalition - http://www.agriculturedefensecoalitio...
Mark McCandlish - Defense & Aerospace Industry
Scott Stevens - Former TV Weatherman 20+yrs http://weatherwars.info/
* subtitles [CC] available
Dr. Nick Begich - H.A.A.R.P. Expert & Author of "Angels Don't Play This H.A.A.R.P." - http://www.earthpulse.com/
Dr. James Fleming - Professor of Science Technology & Society College
Michael Agne - Commodities trader
Larry Oxley - Investor
Sherrie Klappert- Organic Farmer (Hawaii)
Joel Gilcoca Organic Farmer
Karoline Muniz - GMO Free Lecturer Holistic Health Care Provider
Foster Gamble - "thrive"
Daisy Agne
Horace Ross
watch video documentary:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H59JwY4_vjI
Interviews with:
Dane Wigington - Solar Expert/Climate Researcher
Francis Mangels - USDA Bioliogist
Barb Petersen - Farmer/Rancher/Researcher/Radio Host/ http://farmwars.info
Rosalind Petersen - Retired USDA Farm Service / President of the Agriculture Defense Coalition - http://www.agriculturedefensecoalitio...
Mark McCandlish - Defense & Aerospace Industry
Scott Stevens - Former TV Weatherman 20+yrs http://weatherwars.info/
* subtitles [CC] available
Dr. Nick Begich - H.A.A.R.P. Expert & Author of "Angels Don't Play This H.A.A.R.P." - http://www.earthpulse.com/
Dr. James Fleming - Professor of Science Technology & Society College
Michael Agne - Commodities trader
Larry Oxley - Investor
Sherrie Klappert- Organic Farmer (Hawaii)
Joel Gilcoca Organic Farmer
Karoline Muniz - GMO Free Lecturer Holistic Health Care Provider
Foster Gamble - "thrive"
Daisy Agne
Horace Ross
watch video documentary:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H59JwY4_vjI
Friends of Syria states agree to give rebels urgent aid
The meeting in Qatar brings together ministers of countries that support the anti-Assad rebels - France, Germany, Egypt, Italy, Jordan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Britain and the United States. read full article: http://www.jpost.com/Middle-East/Friends-of-Syria-states-agree-to-arm-rebels-317374
The meeting in Qatar brings together ministers of countries that support the anti-Assad rebels - France, Germany, Egypt, Italy, Jordan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Britain and the United States. read full article: http://www.jpost.com/Middle-East/Friends-of-Syria-states-agree-to-arm-rebels-317374
US troop buildup in Jordan after Turkey shuts US-NATO arms corridor to Syrian rebels
The US decision to upgrade Syrian rebel weaponry has run into a major setback: debkafile reveals that Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan phoned President Barack Obama in Berlin Wednesday, June 19, to report his sudden decision to shut down the Turkish corridor for the transfer of US and NATO arms to the Syrian rebels. read full article: http://www.debka.com/article/23066/US-troop-buildup-in-Jordan-after-Turkey-shuts-US-NATO-arms-corridor-to-Syrian-rebels-
Friday, June 21, 2013
Israel has struck energy gold offshore. Now what?
On Wednesday, flanked by economic ministers and Israel’s central bank governor, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu endorsed a plan to export 40 percent of the natural gas reserves, a move he said would yield some $60 billion dollars for state coffers over 20 years while ensuring Israel’s energy needs for 25 years. The cabinet will vote on the plan on Sunday. read full article:http://www.csmonitor.com/World/Middle-East/2013/0620/Israel-has-struck-energy-gold-offshore.-Now-what
On Wednesday, flanked by economic ministers and Israel’s central bank governor, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu endorsed a plan to export 40 percent of the natural gas reserves, a move he said would yield some $60 billion dollars for state coffers over 20 years while ensuring Israel’s energy needs for 25 years. The cabinet will vote on the plan on Sunday. read full article:http://www.csmonitor.com/World/Middle-East/2013/0620/Israel-has-struck-energy-gold-offshore.-Now-what
Lavrov: Russia will honor its S-300 missile contract with Damascus. Two Russian warships head for Syria
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Thursday, June 20, that Moscow will honor its controversial contract to deliver S-300 air defense missile systems to Syria. He spoke the day after the announcement that two warships carrying 600 Russian marines were heading for Syria "to protect the Russian citizens there” along with air force cover as needed. read full article:http://www.debka.com/article/23058/Lavrov-Russia-will-honor-its-S-300-missile-contract-with-Damascus-Two-Russian-warships-head-for-Syria
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Hal Lindsey Report
I highly recommend watching this weeks Hal Lindsey Report.
watch video 6/14/2013: 'Heaven For Sale' http://www.hallindsey.com/videos/
watch video 6/14/2013: 'Heaven For Sale' http://www.hallindsey.com/videos/
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
A Cup Of Contemplation
The Singularity Is Near: Mind Uploading by 2045?

NEW YORK — By 2045, humans will achieve digital immortality by uploading their minds to computers — or at least that's what some futurists believe. This notion formed the basis for the Global Future 2045 International Congress, a futuristic conference held here June 15-16.
Itskov and other so-called "transhumanists" interpret this impending singularity as digital immortality. Specifically, they believe that in a few decades, humans will be able to upload their minds to a computer
, transcending the need for a biological body.
Mind uploading
The conference took a surreal turn when Martine Rothblatt — a lawyer, author and entrepreneur, and CEO of biotech company United Therapeutics Corp. — took the stage. Even the title of Rothblatt's talk was provocative: "The Purpose of Biotechnology is the End of Death."
Rothblatt introduced the concept of "mindclones" — digital versions of humans that can live forever. She described how the mind clones are created from a "mindfile," a sort of online repository of our personalities, which she argued humans already have (in the form of Facebook, for example). This mindfile would be run on "mindware," a kind of software
for consciousness. "The first company that develops mindware will have [as much success as] a thousand Googles," Rothblatt said.
read full article: http://www.livescience.com/37499-immortality-by-2045-conference.html
NEW YORK — By 2045, humans will achieve digital immortality by uploading their minds to computers — or at least that's what some futurists believe. This notion formed the basis for the Global Future 2045 International Congress, a futuristic conference held here June 15-16.
Itskov and other so-called "transhumanists" interpret this impending singularity as digital immortality. Specifically, they believe that in a few decades, humans will be able to upload their minds to a computer
Mind uploading
The conference took a surreal turn when Martine Rothblatt — a lawyer, author and entrepreneur, and CEO of biotech company United Therapeutics Corp. — took the stage. Even the title of Rothblatt's talk was provocative: "The Purpose of Biotechnology is the End of Death."
Rothblatt introduced the concept of "mindclones" — digital versions of humans that can live forever. She described how the mind clones are created from a "mindfile," a sort of online repository of our personalities, which she argued humans already have (in the form of Facebook, for example). This mindfile would be run on "mindware," a kind of software
read full article: http://www.livescience.com/37499-immortality-by-2045-conference.html
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Syria: Egypt ‘serving Israel’s interests’ by cutting ties
Syria on Sunday called Egypt’s decision to cut diplomatic ties “irresponsible,” accusing its president of joining a US-Israeli conspiracy to divide the Middle East.
The official government statement, quoted in Syrian state media, came a day after Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi told supporters in Cairo that his country was severing ties with Damascus and closing its embassy in the Syrian capital.
Morsi, an Islamist, made the decision amid growing calls from hardline Sunni clerics in Egypt and the region to launch a “holy war” against the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad.read full article http://www.timesofisrael.com/syria-egypt-serving-israels-interests-by-cutting-ties-with-us/
Friday, June 14, 2013
Ethiopian Jews come Home (Phillip Phillips)
I remember this day so well and how my heart was filled with joy for the Ethiopian Jews as they returned to Israel. It was called 'Operation Solomon'. Truly prophecy unveiled. watch video : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5bllU44Yh0
Russia disputes US claim on Syria chemical weapons
President Vladimir Putin's foreign affairs adviser says Moscow is not convinced with Washington's claim that Syrian regime had used chemical weapons against the opposition.
article by Moscow Associated press: http://news.yahoo.com/russia-disputes-us-claim-syria-chemical-weapons-101848716.html;_ylt=Argrm4guob14.zwVAs0x9ZpVbBAF;_ylu=X3oDMTQ1ZjQ4NmxtBG1pdANUb3BTdG9yeSBXb3JsZFNGIEV1cm9wZVNTRgRwa2cDNzUxYTM1OWMtZmY1ZS0zYTA4LWE1NWItOGI2MTFmMWZhZWYyBHBvcwMyMQRzZWMDdG9wX3N0b3J5BHZlcgNlZmJhMGM1Mi1kNGRiLTExZTItYmYyNy0xZWRmOTJlMTIyNzY-;_ylg=X3oDMTFxNGdmMG5kBGludGwDdXMEbGFuZwNlbi11cwRwc3RhaWQDBHBzdGNhdAN3b3JsZHxldXJvcGUEcHQDc2VjdGlvbnM-;_ylv=3
Yuri Ushakov told reporters Friday that the information provided by U.S. officials to Russia "didn't look convincing."
The White House said Thursday that the U.S. has conclusive evidence that Syrian President Bashar Assad's regime has used chemical weapons against opposition forces, crossing what President Barack Obama has called a "red line" that would trigger greater American involvement in the crisis. Obama's deputy national security adviser Ben Rhodes said Obama was planning to step up military assistance to Syrian rebels.
Ushakov warned that providing such assistance could derail efforts to convene a Syria peace conference. article by Moscow Associated press: http://news.yahoo.com/russia-disputes-us-claim-syria-chemical-weapons-101848716.html;_ylt=Argrm4guob14.zwVAs0x9ZpVbBAF;_ylu=X3oDMTQ1ZjQ4NmxtBG1pdANUb3BTdG9yeSBXb3JsZFNGIEV1cm9wZVNTRgRwa2cDNzUxYTM1OWMtZmY1ZS0zYTA4LWE1NWItOGI2MTFmMWZhZWYyBHBvcwMyMQRzZWMDdG9wX3N0b3J5BHZlcgNlZmJhMGM1Mi1kNGRiLTExZTItYmYyNy0xZWRmOTJlMTIyNzY-;_ylg=X3oDMTFxNGdmMG5kBGludGwDdXMEbGFuZwNlbi11cwRwc3RhaWQDBHBzdGNhdAN3b3JsZHxldXJvcGUEcHQDc2VjdGlvbnM-;_ylv=3
U.S. considers no-fly zone after Syria crosses nerve gas 'red line'
The United States is considering a no-fly zone in Syria, potentially its first direct intervention into the two-year-old civil war, Western diplomats said on Friday, after the White House said Syria had crossed a "red line" by using nerve gas.
After months of deliberation, President Barack Obama's administration said on Thursday it would now arm rebels, having obtained proof the Syrian government used chemical weapons against fighters trying to overthrow President Bashar al-Assad. read full article: http://news.yahoo.com/u-says-assad-forces-used-chemical-weapons-against-000953375.html
'Assad hopes to unite war-torn Syria against Israel'
Syrian President Bashar Assad's long term plans include a continued struggle against Israel, Lebanese officials visiting Syria told Lebanese paper Al Akhbar.
"The commitment of the Syrian community to resist the Israeli enemy can help fortify the internal struggle facing Syria," Assad told the officials.
According to the official, Assad called on all Syrian factions to join with Palestinian forces in resisting Israel along the Golan Heights. read full article: http://www.jpost.com/Middle-East/Report-Assad-plans-long-term-Israeli-resistance-316535
"The commitment of the Syrian community to resist the Israeli enemy can help fortify the internal struggle facing Syria," Assad told the officials.
According to the official, Assad called on all Syrian factions to join with Palestinian forces in resisting Israel along the Golan Heights. read full article: http://www.jpost.com/Middle-East/Report-Assad-plans-long-term-Israeli-resistance-316535
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Historical Timeline of Israel
This Timeline will help with understanding Israel's history. The Timeline covers God's promise to Abraham through 1998.
Timeline: http://www.contenderministries.org/middleeast/timeline.php
Timeline: http://www.contenderministries.org/middleeast/timeline.php
How Much Land Did God Give Israel in the Abraham Land Covenant?

I wonder what would happen if the Jewish people suddenly woke up and realized they are being cheated out of all the land God has actually given them since the little sliver of land they are now living on is only a fraction of what is promised to them. And even that, the arabs and nations of the world are trying to steal the little fraction shown in yellow on the map, which is now Israel, little by little by waging terror war after war against the Jews and forcing a land for peace deal upon the Jews.
There is much written about Abraham and his descendants, Isaac, Jacob and the Jewish people as it relates to Israel, the land God gave them in Genesis chapter 12, 15,26 and 28 and I suggest you look it up and read about it yourself in the scriptures. For the purpose of this article, I will include the relevant scriptures. Three times God, in the scriptures, made the same covenant to Abraham's descendants the Jews, so there can be no mistake. read full article:http://www.zimbio.com/Christianity/articles/1260/How+Much+Land+God+Give+Israel+Abraham+Land
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Iran: Presidential candidates back familiar policies
Iran will hold its presidential election this coming Friday to pick the successor of the current president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who is finishing his second term. read full article:http://www.jpost.com/Iranian-Threat/Opinion-And-Analysis/Irans-presidential-candidates-support-same-policies-315996
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Assad warns of 'strategic' response to IDF strikes
Syrian President Bashar Assad has issued a strong warning to Israel, saying that he is completely serious in opening up the Golan front against Israel, Lebanese paper Al-Akhbar reported on Monday.
The resistance will not launch primitive rockets aimlessly from time to time, but will carry out a well-planned and continuous resistance, Assad reportedly said to a group of visiting Jordanians. He added that Israeli attacks will elicit a strategic, rather than a local response. read full article: http://www.jpost.com/Middle-East/Assad-warns-of-strategic-not-local-reply-to-IDF-strikes-316025
The resistance will not launch primitive rockets aimlessly from time to time, but will carry out a well-planned and continuous resistance, Assad reportedly said to a group of visiting Jordanians. He added that Israeli attacks will elicit a strategic, rather than a local response. read full article: http://www.jpost.com/Middle-East/Assad-warns-of-strategic-not-local-reply-to-IDF-strikes-316025
Hal Lindsey Report - Seeking Shelter
Watch video 6/7/2013 Seeking Shelter http://www.hallindsey.com/videos/
Monday, June 10, 2013
US official: US to weigh arming Syrian rebels
The United States could make a decision as early as this week on whether to arm Syrian rebels, a US official said on Monday.
The official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said the question of whether to arm rebels is on the agenda of White House meetings during the early part of this week. read full article:http://www.jpost.com/Middle-East/US-official-US-to-weigh-arming-Syrian-rebels-316034
The official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said the question of whether to arm rebels is on the agenda of White House meetings during the early part of this week. read full article:http://www.jpost.com/Middle-East/US-official-US-to-weigh-arming-Syrian-rebels-316034
Sunday, June 9, 2013
Francis could organise peace meeting between world’s three major religions, in Rome
Israeli government sources say the Pope spoke to President Shimon Peres in a meeting between Jews, Christians and Muslims, aimed at speaking out against violence. Rabbi Rosen has asked for steps to be taken to bring peace to the Holy Land.
President Peres “told the Pope that there are people who use God’s name to justify terrorism” and religious leaders should “say out loud that God did not give anyone permission to kill their neighbour.” According to the information contained in a summary of the Audience received by the Israeli government, Francis told Peres he “whole-heartedly supported” his appeal against violence and that “he wanted to promote a meeting between religious leaders and faithful of the three major religions” founded by Abraham, “in Rome”. The aim would be to “make people see” that the religions “oppose violence and terrorism.” read full article:http://vaticaninsider.lastampa.it/en/documents/detail/articolo/francesco-francis-francisco-25236/
President Peres “told the Pope that there are people who use God’s name to justify terrorism” and religious leaders should “say out loud that God did not give anyone permission to kill their neighbour.” According to the information contained in a summary of the Audience received by the Israeli government, Francis told Peres he “whole-heartedly supported” his appeal against violence and that “he wanted to promote a meeting between religious leaders and faithful of the three major religions” founded by Abraham, “in Rome”. The aim would be to “make people see” that the religions “oppose violence and terrorism.” read full article:http://vaticaninsider.lastampa.it/en/documents/detail/articolo/francesco-francis-francisco-25236/
Iran takes 'major step' at nuclear site, reactor vessel installed
IRAN has taken a "major step forward" at its under-construction heavy water reactor in the central town of Arak by installing the reactor vessel at the site.
The development comes in spite of numerous rounds of UN and Western sanctions designed at cutting off Iran's access to nuclear technology.
"The installation is a major step in the progress of this project," the state broadcaster quoted nuclear chief Fereydoon Abbasi Davani as saying.
Western countries fear the reactor could provide the Islamic republic with plutonium if the fuel is reprocessed. Highly enriched uranium and plutonium can both be used in a nuclear weapon. read full article:http://www.news.com.au/world-news/iran-takes-major-step-at-nuclear-site-reactor-vessel-installed/story-fndir2ev-1226661039479
Friday, June 7, 2013
Kerry to return to Mideast next week in further peace push
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry is set to return to Israel and the Palestinian territories next week for his fifth visit to the region in barely two months to extend his push for a revival of peace talks, sources on both side said.
Israeli and Palestinian sources said they expected to see Kerry on June 11-12, adding that exact details of the trip had not yet been worked out and the timing could still change. read full article:http://news.yahoo.com/kerry-return-mideast-next-week-further-peace-push-111215350.html
A senior American official indicated in March that Washington would try to breathe new life into the peace effort for two months and would move on if it proved fruitless.
Kerry said earlier this week that time was running out to resume negotiations, which broke down in 2010 over the barbed issue of continued Jewish settlement building in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem.Israeli and Palestinian sources said they expected to see Kerry on June 11-12, adding that exact details of the trip had not yet been worked out and the timing could still change. read full article:http://news.yahoo.com/kerry-return-mideast-next-week-further-peace-push-111215350.html
'US successfully tests bunker buster bombs'
In an effort to show Israel and other ally states that it is capable of striking Iran's nuclear plants, the US has recently conducted a test of its bunker buster bomb, destroying a replica of an underground nuclear facility, Hebrew daily Yediot Aharonot reported on Friday.read full article:http://www.jpost.com/Iranian-Threat/News/US-conducts-successful-test-of-bunker-buster-bombs-315809
Monday, June 3, 2013
The Hal Lindsey Report
I highly recommend watching this weeks Hal Lindsey Report. It will help you understand how today's news of Syria and Israel could be the fulfilling of Bible Prophecy. In the Old Testament Book of Isaiah it is foretold of Damascus becoming a ruinous heap in just one night. Only now can we understand with the nuclear weapons of today how this prophecy could be fulfilled. Hal Lindsey references prophecies in Isaiah, Daniel, and Ezekiel. watch program 5/31/2013- Syria
Sunday, June 2, 2013
A Cup Of Contemplation
Federal Attorney Warns Negative Posts Against Islam Could Get You Prosecution & Imprisonment
If you have seen the stories around the globe of how cartoonists, journalists and people simply posting tweets or Facebook posts has gotten them inhot water with Islam and even the government, then you have probably said, “That can’t happen in America,” right? Well hold on to your seat my friend because you are in for a rude awakening. read full article:http://freedomoutpost.com/2013/06/federal-attorney-warns-negative-posts-against-islam-could-get-you-prosecution-imprisonment/#ixzz2V2RRCNTi
If you have seen the stories around the globe of how cartoonists, journalists and people simply posting tweets or Facebook posts has gotten them in
Saturday, June 1, 2013
Netanyahu to spend another $350 million so every Israeli has gas mask
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, speaking Thursday at a meeting concluding this week’s Home Front drill, instructed government ministries to equip all of Israel’s residents with gas mask kits. The exercise, called “Turning Point 7,” tested the country’s readiness for chemical and conventional rocket attacks.
Only 58% percent of Israelis have gas masks, and it is estimated that it will take NIS 1.3 billion (some $350 million) to cover the rest of the population. In addition, it will cost NIS 300 million (some $80 million) annually to maintain the kits. read full article:http://www.timesofisrael.com/israel-to-spend-another-nis-1-3-billion-on-gas-masks/
Only 58% percent of Israelis have gas masks, and it is estimated that it will take NIS 1.3 billion (some $350 million) to cover the rest of the population. In addition, it will cost NIS 300 million (some $80 million) annually to maintain the kits. read full article:http://www.timesofisrael.com/israel-to-spend-another-nis-1-3-billion-on-gas-masks/
Report: New Iranian Missile Launchers Could Overwhelm Israeli Defenses
Iran could have enough launchers to send a salvo of medium range ballistic missiles that would overwhelm Israeli ballistic missile defense systems, according to a Wednesday report from IHS Jane’s.
A May, 26 broadcast on Iranian television showcased a collection of transporter erector launchers (TELs) capable of launching the Iranian Shahab-3 guided ballistic missiles.
“Iranian television footage showed at least 26 TELs lined up in two rows for the event, which marked their purported delivery to the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Aerospace Force, which operates the country’s ballistic missiles,” according to the report.
The Shahab-3 is based on a North Korean design and is capable striking Israel from Iranian territory.
read full article:http://news.usni.org/2013/05/31/report-new-iranian-missiles-could-overwhelm-israeli-defenses
Friday, May 31, 2013
A May, 26 broadcast on Iranian television showcased a collection of transporter erector launchers (TELs) capable of launching the Iranian Shahab-3 guided ballistic missiles.
“Iranian television footage showed at least 26 TELs lined up in two rows for the event, which marked their purported delivery to the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Aerospace Force, which operates the country’s ballistic missiles,” according to the report.
The Shahab-3 is based on a North Korean design and is capable striking Israel from Iranian territory.
read full article:http://news.usni.org/2013/05/31/report-new-iranian-missiles-could-overwhelm-israeli-defenses
Friday, May 31, 2013
Friday, May 31, 2013
Syria's Assad warns Israel on air strikes
Syria's President Bashar al-Assad has warned Israel that it will respond in kind
to any future air strikes. read full article: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-22725334
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Russian Pacific Fleet enters the Mediterranean in challenge to West
For the first time in a decade, a large combat fleet from Russia’s Pacific Fleet based in Vladivostok in the Russian Far East is joining other Russian warships in the Mediterranean on a combat patrol.
The mission was apparently prompted by Russia’s determined desire to sustain the regime of the Syrian dictator Bashar Assad that is facing imminent collapse in the increasingly destructive civil war.
To deploy large warships thousands of miles away from East Asia to the Middle East demonstrates President Vladimir Putin’s resolve toresume Russia’s military and strategic glory of the past by challenging the collective military power of the West.
On March 19, a naval flotilla of half a dozen capital ships centered on the large destroyer Admiral Panteleyev set sail from Vladivostok on a long journey to the Mediterranean. http://www.worldtribune.com/2013/05/28/russian-pacific-fleet-enters-the-mediterranean-in-challenge-to-west/
The mission was apparently prompted by Russia’s determined desire to sustain the regime of the Syrian dictator Bashar Assad that is facing imminent collapse in the increasingly destructive civil war.
To deploy large warships thousands of miles away from East Asia to the Middle East demonstrates President Vladimir Putin’s resolve to
On March 19, a naval flotilla of half a dozen capital ships centered on the large destroyer Admiral Panteleyev set sail from Vladivostok on a long journey to the Mediterranean. http://www.worldtribune.com/2013/05/28/russian-pacific-fleet-enters-the-mediterranean-in-challenge-to-west/
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
The Mathematical Proof for Christianity Is Irrefutable
I usually paste a link to go to for an article, however, this article is so rich in truth that I am coping and pasting the entire article: Thank you to the author, Dan Delzell.
I live in Nebraska where I serve as a pastor. Imagine someone covering this entire state insilver dollars 6 feet deep. Then mark one coin and bury it anywhere across the state. Next, blindfold a man and have him choose one coin. The odds that he would choose the marked coin are the same odds of getting 8 prophecies all fulfilled in one man. God gave us about 300 fulfilled prophecies in the Person of Jesus Christ .
Here are 8 of those 300 prophecies:
(1) The Messiah will be born in Bethlehem. (Micah
5:2; Matthew 2:1; Luke 2:4-6)
(2) The Messiah will be a descendant of Jacob. (Numbers 24:17; Matthew 1:2)
(3) The Messiah will enter Jerusalem as a king riding on a donkey. (Zechariah 9:9; Mark 11:4-11)
(4) The Messiah will be betrayed by a friend. (Psalm 41:9; Luke 22:47,48)
(5) The Messiah's betrayal money will be used to purchase a potter's field. (Zechariah 11:13; Matthew 27:9,10)
(6) The Messiah will be spat upon and struck. (Isaiah 50:6; Matthew 26:67)
(7) The Messiah's hands and feet will be pierced. (Psalm 22:16; John 20:25-27)
(8) Soldiers will gamble for the Messiah's garments. (Psalm 22:18; Luke 23:34)
There is no way one man could have fulfilled all 8 of these prophecies unless God was making it happen. Who else controls history? Who else could give us such irrefutable proof for Christianity? The odds are one in one hundred quadrillion, or 1 in 100,000,000,000,000,000.
This mathematical proof was calculated by Professor Peter Stoner. He was chairman of the mathematics and astronomy departments at Pasadena City College until 1953. He then went toWestmont College in Santa Barbara, California, where he served as chairman of the science division.
You don't have to be a mathematics professor to see that this evidence is irrefutable. No one would pick the marked coin under those conditions. No one but God could have given us these biblical prophecies, and then brought them to fulfillment right before our eyes. It is impossible that Christianity is false. The math proves it, and the Man behind the math rose from the dead, just as it had been foretold.
It doesn't take faith to see how the Bible could only have come from God. It does take faith, however, to accept Jesus as your Savior and to believe in God's promise of eternal life. God has done everything to make this way open to you. If you choose to reject it in spite of the overwhelming evidence and in spite of God's love for you, you will be walking away from an open door to paradise.
Some people won't accept proof for the Bible even when it is irrefutable. Man, by nature, is not very good at accepting the evidence which God has laid out for us. The bias against God and against the supernatural is so strong that even irrefutable evidence is viewed with suspicion and doubt.
Never mind the fact that the prophecy about Christ's crucifixion was given hundreds of years before that type of execution was being used. And who but God could have identified Bethlehem 700 years before Christ was born? You really have to have a closed mind to miss the supernatural quality of the Bible, especially when you really start to dig into it. The historical and mathematical conclusions all point to God's plan of salvation through His Son.
Here is an idea. Try looking at this mathematical proof as if you didn't have any bias against God and against the supernatural, and see how that approach works for you. The end result of your honest evaluation may shock you, and then it will change you from the inside out. That is what happens whenever man embraces the truth as revealed to us in Scripture.
One plus one equals two. Old Testament history plus New Testament fulfillment equals irrefutable proof. This is why Christianity is not a "blind faith." It is a faith built on immovable facts. Are you ready to have that firm foundation in your life? Or do you plan to finish out your time here on this planet with nothing more than an unreasonable bias against God?
No one ever said man is going to always be reasonable. That's the tragic thing about the human soul ever since sin entered the world. There are some biases which go even deeper than common sense and mathematical certainty. That's what our sin does to us, and this is why you and I need the Messiah. We need Jesus because we are sinners. We have broken God's law. And God has been gracious enough not only to give us His only Son, but even to give us conclusive proof for Christianity.
So it's no surprise to find that every other belief system and every other religion lacks even a hint of mathematical evidence, let alone irrefutable proof. The followers of those religions are no less sincere, but the foundation for their faith is not based on irrefutable evidence. Where is your faith based today? Do you have a bias against God which is keeping you from considering the mathematical certainty which supports Christianity?
If so, God still loves you, and there is still hope. Many former unbelievers who are now Christians know just what you are going through. This is a critical time for you to consider your sin against God, and your need for His forgiveness.
But don't take my word for it. Instead, accept the irrefutable proof which our Creator has kindly given us in the Old and New Testaments. He loves you far more than you can fathom. He proved it at the cross, and through the fulfilled prophecies. You would have to be blind to miss it.
Read more at http://www.christianpost.com/news/the-mathematical-proof-for-christianity-is-irrefutable-96295/#rlpgC0Mb3JvwBjGY.99
Read more at http://www.christianpost.com/news/the-mathematical-proof-for-christianity-is-irrefutable-96295/#J5WJ0DexsKkgKybT.99
It is impossible that Christianity is not God's revelation of truth to man. Simply impossible. The math proves it beyond question. It doesn't take faith to believe that one plus one equals two, and it doesn't take faith to identify the religion which has mathematical certainty in its corner.
God didn't have to give us mathematical proof of His existence, but He did it anyway. God didn't have to give us proof of Christianity, but He chose to do so. And God didn't have to give us proof of His love for us, but that is exactly what He did. The proof is irrefutable.I live in Nebraska where I serve as a pastor. Imagine someone covering this entire state in
Here are 8 of those 300 prophecies:
(1) The Messiah will be born in Bethlehem. (Micah
5:2; Matthew 2:1; Luke 2:4-6)
(2) The Messiah will be a descendant of Jacob. (Numbers 24:17; Matthew 1:2)
(3) The Messiah will enter Jerusalem as a king riding on a donkey. (Zechariah 9:9; Mark 11:4-11)
(4) The Messiah will be betrayed by a friend. (Psalm 41:9; Luke 22:47,48)
(5) The Messiah's betrayal money will be used to purchase a potter's field. (Zechariah 11:13; Matthew 27:9,10)
(6) The Messiah will be spat upon and struck. (Isaiah 50:6; Matthew 26:67)
(7) The Messiah's hands and feet will be pierced. (Psalm 22:16; John 20:25-27)
(8) Soldiers will gamble for the Messiah's garments. (Psalm 22:18; Luke 23:34)
There is no way one man could have fulfilled all 8 of these prophecies unless God was making it happen. Who else controls history? Who else could give us such irrefutable proof for Christianity? The odds are one in one hundred quadrillion, or 1 in 100,000,000,000,000,000.
This mathematical proof was calculated by Professor Peter Stoner. He was chairman of the mathematics and astronomy departments at Pasadena City College until 1953. He then went to
You don't have to be a mathematics professor to see that this evidence is irrefutable. No one would pick the marked coin under those conditions. No one but God could have given us these biblical prophecies, and then brought them to fulfillment right before our eyes. It is impossible that Christianity is false. The math proves it, and the Man behind the math rose from the dead, just as it had been foretold.
It doesn't take faith to see how the Bible could only have come from God. It does take faith, however, to accept Jesus as your Savior and to believe in God's promise of eternal life. God has done everything to make this way open to you. If you choose to reject it in spite of the overwhelming evidence and in spite of God's love for you, you will be walking away from an open door to paradise.
Some people won't accept proof for the Bible even when it is irrefutable. Man, by nature, is not very good at accepting the evidence which God has laid out for us. The bias against God and against the supernatural is so strong that even irrefutable evidence is viewed with suspicion and doubt.
Never mind the fact that the prophecy about Christ's crucifixion was given hundreds of years before that type of execution was being used. And who but God could have identified Bethlehem 700 years before Christ was born? You really have to have a closed mind to miss the supernatural quality of the Bible, especially when you really start to dig into it. The historical and mathematical conclusions all point to God's plan of salvation through His Son.
Here is an idea. Try looking at this mathematical proof as if you didn't have any bias against God and against the supernatural, and see how that approach works for you. The end result of your honest evaluation may shock you, and then it will change you from the inside out. That is what happens whenever man embraces the truth as revealed to us in Scripture.
One plus one equals two. Old Testament history plus New Testament fulfillment equals irrefutable proof. This is why Christianity is not a "blind faith." It is a faith built on immovable facts. Are you ready to have that firm foundation in your life? Or do you plan to finish out your time here on this planet with nothing more than an unreasonable bias against God?
No one ever said man is going to always be reasonable. That's the tragic thing about the human soul ever since sin entered the world. There are some biases which go even deeper than common sense and mathematical certainty. That's what our sin does to us, and this is why you and I need the Messiah. We need Jesus because we are sinners. We have broken God's law. And God has been gracious enough not only to give us His only Son, but even to give us conclusive proof for Christianity.
So it's no surprise to find that every other belief system and every other religion lacks even a hint of mathematical evidence, let alone irrefutable proof. The followers of those religions are no less sincere, but the foundation for their faith is not based on irrefutable evidence. Where is your faith based today? Do you have a bias against God which is keeping you from considering the mathematical certainty which supports Christianity?
If so, God still loves you, and there is still hope. Many former unbelievers who are now Christians know just what you are going through. This is a critical time for you to consider your sin against God, and your need for His forgiveness.
But don't take my word for it. Instead, accept the irrefutable proof which our Creator has kindly given us in the Old and New Testaments. He loves you far more than you can fathom. He proved it at the cross, and through the fulfilled prophecies. You would have to be blind to miss it.
Read more at http://www.christianpost.com/news/the-mathematical-proof-for-christianity-is-irrefutable-96295/#rlpgC0Mb3JvwBjGY.99
Read more at http://www.christianpost.com/news/the-mathematical-proof-for-christianity-is-irrefutable-96295/#J5WJ0DexsKkgKybT.99
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Jct: Dinky threat. Hanford has 200,000 tons with 3% of its tanks leaking. Youtube “Pet Fish Dead? Kids Drink Same Water?” Better use the Argentine Solution to fund maximum funding for maximum manpower on burying nuclear once and for all. Anyone else thought up a way to pay to do the clean-up? Argentine Solution can save us. Maybe. If we fund the max right now.
the call that was made with the threat was recorded!