I wonder what would happen if the Jewish people suddenly woke up and realized they are being cheated out of all the land God has actually given them since the little sliver of land they are now living on is only a fraction of what is promised to them. And even that, the arabs and nations of the world are trying to steal the little fraction shown in yellow on the map, which is now Israel, little by little by waging terror war after war against the Jews and forcing a land for peace deal upon the Jews.
There is much written about Abraham and his descendants, Isaac, Jacob and the Jewish people as it relates to Israel, the land God gave them in Genesis chapter 12, 15,26 and 28 and I suggest you look it up and read about it yourself in the scriptures. For the purpose of this article, I will include the relevant scriptures. Three times God, in the scriptures, made the same covenant to Abraham's descendants the Jews, so there can be no mistake. read full article:http://www.zimbio.com/Christianity/articles/1260/How+Much+Land+God+Give+Israel+Abraham+Land
I am so disgusted with the world and its treatment of the Jewish people. What doesn't everyone understand, the land was given to them by GOD!!! I am praying for the Lords return and then all this abuse will be done with forever.....